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Statistiques sur le modèle

Consulter les statistiques Simscape™ telles que le nombre de variables, les signaux de passage par zéro, les liaisons et les contraintes

La consultation des statistiques sur un modèle Simscape est un excellent moyen d’évaluer le modèle avant la simulation. Les statistiques du modèle donnent des indications sur la complexité de ce dernier. Vous pouvez ainsi effectuer des choix pertinents en décidant de simuler le modèle avec sa configuration actuelle ou d’apporter des modifications. Cette approche vous aide à atteindre la performance et les objectifs de simulation souhaités.


Statistics ViewerView Simscape model configuration and complexity statistics


  • 1-D Physical System Statistics

    Aggregate statistics generated from all physical networks that are associated with blocks from Simscape, Simscape Driveline™, Simscape Fluids™, and Simscape Electrical™ libraries, except the Specialized Power Systems.

  • 3-D Multibody System Statistics

    Aggregate statistics generated from all physical networks that are associated with blocks from the Simscape Multibody™ library.

  • 1-D/3-D Interface Statistics

    Aggregate statistics related to the interface between all 1-D physical and 3-D multibody systems present in the model.

  • View Model Statistics

    This example shows how you can use model statistics to determine the effect of a change on model complexity.

  • Access Block Variables Using Statistics Viewer

    This example shows how you can use the Sources section of the Statistics Viewer to access a block variable of interest, to verify (or change) its initialization priority and target value.

  • Partitioning Solver Statistics

    View model statistics specific to the Partitioning Solver.