what will be next command line for putting lat long value n figure?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
RS le 25 Août 2013
Here matrix of 130*110 want to give latitude and longitude value from
what will be next command line for putting lat long value n figure?
outside the figure value of lat/long is not there I want to put lat/long value there?
  3 commentaires
Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 25 Août 2013
Modifié(e) : Image Analyst le 25 Août 2013
S, you don't need to put "matlab" or "matlab code" as tags since every question here is on matlab and matlab code. Read a guide to tags
Do you just want to change the tick marks outside the image so that they read the "real world" lat/lon numbers instead of pixel values?
RS le 25 Août 2013
yes outside that value should be lat/long but how can I do to come this figure in real world?

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Réponses (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 25 Août 2013
This is completely explained, with several examples, in the documentation. For example:
x = -pi:.1:pi;
y = sin(x);
Browse, in the help, to MATLAB->Graphics->formatting and Annotation->Coordinate System->Setting Axis Parameters. Or search for ticks and select "Setting Axis Parameters" from the list.
  5 commentaires
RS le 30 Août 2013
No How can I access?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 30 Août 2013
The Mapping Toolbox is optional extra-cost. I do not recall the cost at the moment. Your profile hints you are at a university. If you are a student you can add the Mapping Toolbox on to your Student Version license for about $US30. If you are faculty or staff at the university, you can get the Mapping Toolbox at Academic pricing.

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