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Installation et configuration

Installer le support hardware, mettre à jour le micrologiciel, configurer la connexion hardware


Support Package Simulink pour mini-drones Parrot : fonctionnalités clés

Installer le Support Package et lancer les écrans de configuration du hardware

Connecter Parrot Rolling Spider à Windows par Bluetooth

Connecter Parrot Mambo et Parrot Rolling Spider à Mac par Bluetooth

Connecter Parrot Mambo et Parrot Rolling Spider à Linux par Bluetooth

Supprimer le micrologiciel Parrot

Résolution des problèmes

Common Scenarios During Bluetooth Setup

Identify and troubleshoot common scenarios while connecting to a Parrot minidrone using Bluetooth on Windows.

Troubleshooting Connection Settings in Windows

Solve the problems that you might encounter when connecting the Parrot minidrone to Windows system using Bluetooth.

Troubleshooting Connection Settings in Windows Using Built-in Bluetooth Module or Generic Bluetooth Dongle

Solve the problems that you might encounter when connecting the Parrot minidrone to Windows system using built-in Bluetooth module or generic Bluetooth dongle.

Troubleshooting Connection Settings in Mac

Solve the problems that you might encounter when connecting the Parrot minidrone to a Mac using Bluetooth.

Troubleshooting Connection Settings in Linux

Solve the problems that you might encounter when connecting the Parrot minidrone to Linux system using Bluetooth.

Disable Wi-Fi and LAN While Setting Up Parrot Rolling Spider Minidrone in Windows

Disable Wi-Fi® and LAN while setting up Parrot Rolling Spider minidrone IP address in Windows.

Troubleshooting Firmware Update Failure in Linux

Solve the problems that you might encounter while updating the firmware of Parrot Rolling Spider minidrone.

Troubleshooting Java Exception Failures

Solve the Java® exception failures that occur during the Hardware Setup process or during code deployment.

Troubleshooting by Clearing Parrot Minidrone Memory

Clear the internal memory of Parrot minidrone if you encounter some problems.

Factory Reset of Parrot Mambo Minidrone

Perform a factory reset of Parrot Mambo minidrone if you encounter some problems.