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Installation and Setup

Install the support package and configure hardware connection

Before you can start using the Communications Toolbox™ Support Package for USRP™ Embedded Series Radio, you must:

  1. Install the support package. See Install Support Package for USRP Embedded Series Radio.

  2. Establish communication between the host computer and the radio hardware. See Guided Host-Radio Hardware Setup (Windows® only) or Manual Host-Radio Hardware Setup.

  3. To work with the hardware-software co-design workflow, install additional support packages and third-party tools. See Installation for Hardware-Software Co-Design.


sdrdevCreate radio object for interfacing with USRP embedded series radio hardware
downloadImageDownload SD card image or bitstream file
infoGet radio hardware information
testConnectionTest connection between host and radio hardware


comm.SDRDevE3xxInterface with USRP E3xx radio hardware (depuis R2019b)


Résolution des problèmes

Common Problems and Fixes

Resolve issues encountered during installation or while using the I/O mode features of the support package.

Troubleshooting Hardware-Software Co-Design

Resolve issues encountered while using the hardware-software co-design workflow.