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How to reorganization all image long z axis

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Tina Hsiao
Tina Hsiao le 1 Juil 2022
Commenté : Voss le 13 Juil 2022
Dear all, I have a question and would like to seek your help. There are beam signals. I took several 2D images (x,y) along the z axis, and I would like to reorganise all images along the z axis. Could you please give me some help? (a few images has attached) I would like to combine with 1.5.bmp, 2.0.bmp, 2.5.bmp along the z-axis . Thank you very much : )
  4 commentaires
Tina Hsiao
Tina Hsiao le 1 Juil 2022
x and y data is from image, z data is from file name. For example: z= 1.5 mm, the x,y data from the image 1.5.bmp ; z = 2.0mm. the x1,y1, data from the image 2.0.bmp, etc...
Adam Danz
Adam Danz le 1 Juil 2022
slice and sliceViewer may also come in handy, although they don't produce the results you're describing above.

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Réponse acceptée

Voss le 1 Juil 2022
files = dir('*.bmp');
full_file_names = fullfile({files.folder},{files.name});
[~,fn,~] = fileparts(full_file_names);
z = str2double(fn);
hold on
for ii = 1:numel(files)
[I,map] = imread(full_file_names{ii});
  6 commentaires
Tina Hsiao
Tina Hsiao le 13 Juil 2022
Thank you very much for your help. It works well : )
Voss le 13 Juil 2022
You're welcome! I'm glad it's working!

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