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Get shortest paths and distances among nodes without loop for (and possibly in a faster way)

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Sim le 16 Déc 2022
Commenté : Jon le 16 Déc 2022
How to get shortest paths and distances among nodes (selected from a list) without a loop for, and possibly in a faster way than what shown in the following example ?
% Input 1 (the graph)
s = [1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 12 14 14 1 14];
t = [3 5 4 2 6 10 7 9 8 11 12 13 7 6 8 15];
G = graph(s,t);
% Input 2 (list of nodes, among which, both shortest paths and distances will be
% calculated)
list = [3 7 8 9 10 14];
% Calculation
for i = 1 :length(list)
for j = 1 : length(list)
[p,d] = shortestpath(G,list(i),list(j));
nodes_path{i,j} = p;
nodes_distances{i,j} = d;
Elapsed time is 0.016856 seconds.
% Outputs
nodes_path = 6×6 cell array
{[ 3]} {[3 1 2 7]} {[ 3 1 8]} {[ 3 1 2 9]} {[ 3 1 2 10]} {[3 1 2 6 14]} {[ 7 2 1 3]} {[ 7]} {[ 7 2 8]} {[ 7 2 9]} {[ 7 2 10]} {[ 7 14]} {[ 8 1 3]} {[ 8 2 7]} {[ 8]} {[ 8 2 9]} {[ 8 2 10]} {[ 8 2 6 14]} {[ 9 2 1 3]} {[ 9 2 7]} {[ 9 2 8]} {[ 9]} {[ 9 2 10]} {[ 9 2 6 14]} {[ 10 2 1 3]} {[ 10 2 7]} {[ 10 2 8]} {[ 10 2 9]} {[ 10]} {[ 10 2 6 14]} {[14 6 2 1 3]} {[ 14 7]} {[14 6 2 8]} {[14 6 2 9]} {[14 6 2 10]} {[ 14]}
nodes_distances = 6×6 cell array
{[0]} {[3]} {[2]} {[3]} {[3]} {[4]} {[3]} {[0]} {[2]} {[2]} {[2]} {[1]} {[2]} {[2]} {[0]} {[2]} {[2]} {[3]} {[3]} {[2]} {[2]} {[0]} {[2]} {[3]} {[3]} {[2]} {[2]} {[2]} {[0]} {[3]} {[4]} {[1]} {[3]} {[3]} {[3]} {[0]}
  2 commentaires
Matt J
Matt J le 16 Déc 2022
Modifié(e) : Matt J le 16 Déc 2022
If there were a way, I think shortestpath() itself would already offer vectorized input/output, using that method.
Sim le 16 Déc 2022
Thanks @Matt J, Yes, I was thinking the same... :-)

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Réponses (1)

Jon le 16 Déc 2022
Modifié(e) : Jon le 16 Déc 2022
for the distances (shortest path) between every pair of nodes in the graph
d = distances(G)
and for some subset, in your case list
d = distances(G,list,list)
  3 commentaires
Jon le 16 Déc 2022
The distances are, by definition, the shortest paths
Jon le 16 Déc 2022
So are you clear on this now, or would you like a further explanation

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