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how to convert hours and minutes from decimals to datetime objects

17 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Salma fathi
Salma fathi le 19 Déc 2022
Commenté : Salma fathi le 21 Déc 2022
having as the follwing two columns from a table, the first column represents the year-month-day and the second column represent hours and minutes in decimal based on the equation (hour+min/60), how can I mrge the two columns to get at the end a full datetim object with the format
yyyy-MM-dd hh-mm?
thanks a lot in advance,

Réponse acceptée

Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins le 19 Déc 2022
Converting to string is totally unnecessary. Assuming the first variable in the table is already a datetime:
>> t = datetime(2008,05,07);
>> t + hours(15.9)
ans =
07-May-2008 15:54:00
If the first var is not a datetime, figure out why, and make it one. And probably make the table a timetable.

Plus de réponses (1)

prasanth s
prasanth s le 19 Déc 2022
First convert it into string type with the format "yyyy-MM-dd hh-mm" using
myDate=string("2008-05-07 ")+string(floor(hours_decimal))+"-"+string(60*(hours_decimal-floor(hours_decimal)))
convert to datetime object using using
t = datetime(myDate,'InputFormat','yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm')


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