Effacer les filtres
Effacer les filtres

Application of multistage decimator filter to signal

5 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Paramonte le 4 Mar 2024
Réponse apportée : Paul le 24 Juil 2024
Dear all
We had a piece of code to decimate data (decimation ratio (dec_factor) > 13) that read:
Matlad is warning that
Warning: Multistage design using fdesign.decimator will be removed. Use designMultistageDecimator instead.
So we are replacing the codewith:
Astop = 80;
TW = 0.03*fs_sampling/2;
We don´t know what to do with Hm in order to apply the filter to get signal_input.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance

Réponses (2)

Manikanta Aditya
Manikanta Aditya le 5 Mar 2024
Déplacé(e) : Mathieu NOE le 5 Mar 2024
The 'designMultistageDecimator' function in MATLAB returns a multistage decimator object, which you can use to filter your signal. The returned object 'Hm' is a multistage decimator object, and you can use it just like you used the 'Hm' object in your previous code.
Here’s how you can apply the filter to your signal:
signal_output = filter(Hm, signal_input);
This line of code applies the multistage decimator filter Hm to your input signal signal_input, and stores the result in 'signal_output'.
So, your complete code would look like this:
Astop = 80;
TW = 0.03*fs_sampling/2;
Hm = designMultistageDecimator(dec_factor, fs_sampling, TW, Astop, 'CostMethod', 'design');
signal_output = filter(Hm, signal_input);
  4 commentaires
Cláudio Jorge
Cláudio Jorge le 5 Mar 2024
Thank you for your response.
I will incorporate a portion of the signal we're utilising, enabling to observe the errors that we had:
Astop = 80;
TW = 0.03*fs_sampling/2;
Hm = designMultistageDecimator(dec_factor, fs_sampling, TW, Astop, 'CostMethod', 'design');
signal_output = filter(Hm, signal_input);
Error using filter
Not enough input arguments.
Thanks in advance.
Dana Massie
Dana Massie le 24 Juil 2024
I have exactly the same error message from the same code. Running R2024a.

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Paul le 24 Juil 2024
As shown at designMultistageDecimator, this function retruns a dsp.FilterCascade object
M = 48;
Fin = 30.72e6*M;
Astop = 90;
BW = 1e7;
Fc = Fin/(2*M);
TW = 2*(Fc-BW);
c = designMultistageDecimator(M,Fin,TW,Astop)
c =
dsp.FilterCascade with properties: Stage1: [1x1 dsp.FIRDecimator] Stage2: [1x1 dsp.FIRDecimator] Stage3: [1x1 dsp.FIRDecimator] Stage4: [1x1 dsp.FIRDecimator] CloneStages: false
This object does not have a filter method.
Methods for class dsp.FilterCascade: FilterCascade freqrespopts info isreal phasedelay step addStage freqz isFilterCascade issos phasez stepz cascade freqzmr isLocked isstable realizemdl tf clone generateFilteringCode isallpass measure release zerophase coeffs generatehdl isequal noisepsd releaseStages zpk cost getNumStages isfir noisepsdopts removeStage zplane fdhdltool grpdelay islinphase order reset firtype impz ismaxphase outputDelay specifyall freqrespest impzlength isminphase parallel ss Static methods: helpFilterAnalysis helpSupportedSystemObjects Call "methods('handle')" for methods of dsp.FilterCascade inherited from handle.
Instead, operate on an input by use the object like a function call, as shown at dsp.FilterCascade
u = rand(4800,1);
y1 = c(u);
Reset the object to use again from scratch
y2 = c(u);
ans = logical




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