Pick out rows from an array where the 1st column is closest to a multiple of a number

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Hello, Im trying to downsample a 100k lines of excel and want to pick out only those rows where the column 1 values are closest to multiples of a number, say 50. So in the pic below, just the green highlighted rows.
I've thought about using mod but this doesn't work:
%For example if I choose these numbers (and consider just a column vector)
and want to pick out those numbers closest to multiples of 10
ans =
If I sort these and pick out the lowest ones, the value of 29 & 39 wouldn't be picked out.
I also considered some kind of interp, but I need to pick out the actual discrete value from the table below not an interpolated value. Normally I show my arttempt, but Im actually stuck here in where to actually start with this.

Réponse acceptée

dpb le 2 Oct 2024
Modifié(e) : dpb le 2 Oct 2024
data=[0 18 38 56 75 94 112].'; % sample data
DELT=50; % the interval desired
v=[0:DELT:max(data(:,1))]; % the lookup values at delta intervals
ix=interp1(data(:,1),1:height(data),v,'nearest').'; % the magic--return index nearest to each v
reduced=data(ix,:); % and return the data rows corresponding
% show results
disp([ix reduced])
1 0 4 56 6 94
Applied to your array, reduced will have all columns, of course.
  2 commentaires
dpb le 2 Oct 2024
You were right in thinking you needed interpolation; just takes "time in grade" to know that interp1 has options other than just linear interpolate betweeen points--and then the recognition to make the location in the array be the "interpolated" variable returned to use as the index into the original array...the other solution basically implements what interp1 does internally here; albeit with much less effort coding-wise; the power of MATLAB in having all this stuff like this already implemented for you -- you just have to be able to find it... :)

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Plus de réponses (1)

Arjun le 2 Oct 2024
Hi @Jason,
I see that you want to pick out rows from the array based on proximity to multiple of a number.
To downsample your data by picking rows where the first column values are closest to specific multiples (like 50), you can start by listing the multiples you care about, such as 0, 50, 100, and so on, up to the largest number in your data. For each of these multiples, you look through your data to find the number that is closest to it. This can be done by calculating how far each number is from the current multiple and then picking the one with the smallest difference. This way you can gather all the row’s which are closest to the multiple of the number you chose.
You can refer to the code below for better understanding:
n = [1; 5; 7; 9; 12; 15; 29; 33; 39; 50; 51; 97; 102];
multiple = 50;
% Pick the maximum number present in the data till there generate multiples
maxi = max(n);
multiples = 0:multiple:maxi;
final_selection = zeros(length(multiples), 1);
% Find the closest value to each multiple
for i = 1:length(multiples)
[~, idx] = min(abs(n - multiples(i)));
final_selection(i) = idx;
% Take only unique values
final_selection = unique(final_selection);
selected_rows = n(final_selection);
1 50 102
I hope this explanation helps!
  2 commentaires
Jason le 2 Oct 2024
Thankyou AJ, sorry I didn't accept your answer although it works and I like it, the answer above did come first
Arjun le 9 Oct 2024
No issues @Jason, I am happy that it helped you!

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