Effacer les filtres
Effacer les filtres


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cant get the whole of the image

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
talayeh ghodsi
talayeh ghodsi le 19 Juin 2019
Clôturé : MATLAB Answer Bot le 20 Août 2021
hi every body. i have a 512*512*429 volume . because of my project, i have to rotate the volume as i mension in the code below. but the problem is, because of the large size of the volume i have to reduce the size, when i reduce it with 'pic_3D2 = imresize3(pic_3D, 0.5)' in which the size will be 256*256*215 and the result is the full image wich is attached, but i dont want to reduce the size of each slice and so i use half_of_slices=pic_3D(:,:,1:2:429), so each slice will be 512*512*215. but when i use imshow, the image is not complete. how can i correct the code?
surf_read_dir='G:\zahra taati\Study__CORONARY CTA[20160712]\Series_10448_70.0%\';
files=dir('G:\zahra taati\Study__CORONARY CTA[20160712]\Series_10448_70.0%\*.jpg');
for im=1:size(files)
fdir = strcat(surf_read_dir , files(im).name);
slice_im = load(fdir);
pic = imread(fdir);
for i=1:512
pic_3D(:,:,im) = pic(:,:,1);
a = imrotate3(pic_3D2,60,[1 0 0],'nearest','loose','FillValues',0);
b = imrotate3(a,180,[0 0 1],'nearest','loose','FillValues',0);
c = imrotate3(b,90,[1 0 0],'nearest','loose','FillValues',0);
d = imrotate3(c,180,[1 0 0],'nearest','loose','FillValues',0);
ct2 = d(:,:,140);
  1 commentaire
KALYAN ACHARJYA le 19 Juin 2019
Check here, still not solved let us know.

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