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Need dsolve code to run for Symbolic solution

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
MINATI PATRA le 18 Nov 2020
syms U(y) T(y) C(y) M Kp Pr phi Gr Gc Sc Kc a
% % % Gr = 1; Gc = 1; M =1; Kp = 0.1; Pr = 1; phi = 0.1; Sc = 0.22; Kc = 1;
xa = 0; xb = Inf;
Cond = [U(0) == a/s^2; T(0) == 1/s^2; C(0) == 1/(s-1); U(Inf) == 0; T(Inf) == 0; C(Inf) == 0];
S = dsolve( [diff(U,2) + Gc*C + Gr*T == U*(Kp + M + s), diff(T,2) == Pr*T*(phi + s), diff(C,2) == Sc*(Kc + s)*C], Cond);
U = S.U; T = S.T; C = S.C;
%% Code didn't run for INFINITY boundary condition
%% Can there be any other way to put INFINITY boundary condition after getting the general solution U, T, and C
%% I need to find inverse LAPLACE TRANSFORM of U, T, and C

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