Problem 44262. Multivariate polynomials - overload multiplication

Problems 44260 and 44261 work with a monomial representation of multivariate polynomials. This has two parts, a matrix exponents with a row of exponents for each monomial, and a column vector coefficients with a coefficient for each monomial.

It would be nice to define polynomials so they can be multiplied using simple notation:

p = p1*p2;

This can be done by defining a class mPoly with two properties, exponents and coefficients, and two methods: a constructor with the syntax

p = mPoly(exponents, coefficients)

and a method mtimes for multiplying two polynomials. You can assume that the polynomials being multiplied have the same number of variables.

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75.0% Correct | 25.0% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Jul 26, 2023

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