Rick Rosson
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Software, modeling, and simulation engineer. Former Senior Applications Engineer at MathWorks. Professional interests include: digital signal processing, statistical signal processing, control system design, dynamic system modeling and simulation, data analysis and visualization.
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A soumis
SimEvents: Operations Research Library
Add-on library for SimEvents® that provides blocks for modeling operations research systems.
plus de 8 ans il y a | 13 téléchargements |

A soumis
RGB Image Decomposition
Displays RGB decomposition of a full color image
plus de 8 ans il y a | 7 téléchargements |

Why 8 segments for pwelch?
The use of 8 as the default value for the number of segments is purely arbitrary. It is a perfectly reasonable value, but it is...
presque 9 ans il y a | 1
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optical fourier transform by free space propagation and lens
I am not exactly sure what the source of the problem is, but I have a few suggestions to help you diagnose the root cause: Fi...
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Why are the colors in my figures wrong?
Please see <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/276579-changing-the-histogram-edge-color-from-the-default-green-gradi...
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Inserting C Code in Simulink block
double multiplicador(double u) { return 2.0*u; }
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Determine transfer function from block diagram
Please try: H = feedback(series(Gc,G11)+G12*Z0,1); where |Z0| is the Laplace Transform of the disturbance signal |z0(t)...
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How to plot the spectrum of the sum of sine waves
x_fft = abs(fft(x)/noSamples); xn_fft = abs(fft(xn)/noSamples);
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Spectrogram - How to divide signal ?
The third input argument of |spectrogram| expects the number of samples to overlap each window, not the number of segments. Ple...
presque 9 ans il y a | 2
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Command to reshape matrix diagonally
Y = [ X(1:end/2,:) X(end/2+1:end,:) ];
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how to genrate random signal
N = 1024; x = rand(N,1); figure; plot(x);
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Diesel Work Cycle using MATLAB to plot P-v Diagram, Calculate work output, and Plot the work output when diameter of the piston is changed
Here's a start: theta = (0:0.1:359.9)'; D = 15; L = 12; L_TDC = 1.5; V_TDC = (pi/4)*D^2*L_TDC;
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Changing the histogram edge color from the default green gradient.
The problem is with the renderer. Please try the following: opengl software and then re-plotting.
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How come the frequency vector starts at 0 for even length FFT ?
Regardless of whether |L| is even or odd, the first element of the vector returned by |fft| is _always_ the DC component. No mat...
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How to Calculate FFT
<http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooley%E2%80%93Tukey_FFT_algorithm Cooley-Tukey Algorithm>
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How do I create this transfer function in matlab, compensator_lag=(0.9987s+33.96)/(s+0.343)?
See: <http://www.mathworks.com/help/control/ref/tf.html Transfer Function>
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Please, is there any beamforming toolbox in MATLAB ?
Yes, <http://www.mathworks.com/products/phased-array/ Phased Array System Toolbox>
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Matrix dimensions must agree.
Try using |*| instead of |.*|
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How to stop a loop when the wrong values are entered
% Height in feet: H = 0; while H <= 0 H = input('Enter a value greater than 0 for height in feet '); end
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Why my mel filters do not overlap on each other?
I think the problem is in the second |elseif| statement: elseif (k>=f_range(m+1) && k<=f_range(m)) These two sub-condit...
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how to create output that is column vector
Logical Indexing: * <http://blogs.mathworks.com/loren/2013/02/20/logical-indexing-multiple-conditions/ Loren's blog post> * ...
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Why I get the wrong peak from bode plot?
The function |getPeakGain| returns the peak gain on an absolute scale, whereas the Bode plot displays the gain on a decibel scal...
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Why my mel filters do not overlap on each other?
Please review the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/signal/ref/tripuls.html tripuls> function.
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Compute the fft of the record of my voice
N = length(data); Fs = 8000; dt = 1/Fs; t = dt*(0:N-1)'; figure; plot(t,data);
environ 9 ans il y a | 0
what toolkit should i get to implement modulation techniques?
* MATLAB * Simulink * Signal Processing Toolbox * DSP System Toolbox * Communications System Toolbox
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Hi. How can i add 20% Gaussian noise to some fixed value vector.
m = [ 1.05 ; 0.2561 ; 0.3321 ]; s = 0.2 * m ; N = 1000; x = ones(N,1) * m' + randn(N,3) * diag(s);
environ 9 ans il y a | 0
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IF statement restarting when condition is true
k = []; while isempty(k) d=input('Is this spur gear mounted between two bearing? (Y/N): ','s'); k = fin...
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can any one describe the algorithm of power spectral estimation using different window techiniques
Please review: <https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welch%2527s_method Welch's Method>
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Simulate a time series of stock price using Monte-Carlo simulations
Here is some code to get you started: N = 10000; P = nan(N,1); P(1) = ... for k = 2:N P(k) = P(k-1...
environ 9 ans il y a | 0
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Need help finding a moving average
n = 100; b = ones(1,n)/n; a = 1; absorbance_MA = filter(b,a,absorbance_co2blcorr);
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