Loren Shure
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Professional Interests: MATLAB, teaching, numerics, science.
Personal Interests: glassblowing
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Now is the Time
It's reached that time for me. I will be retiring from MathWorks at the end of March 2022. It's been 35 years of tremendous...
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ALIKE (or not) – A Second Go At Beating Wordle
Today's guest blogger is Matt Tearle, who works on the team that creates our online training content, such as our various...
environ 3 ans il y a

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Building a Wordle solver
Today's guest blogger is Adam Filion, a Senior Data Scientist at MathWorks. Adam has worked on many areas of data science...
environ 3 ans il y a

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Pattern from 1997: using feval
In the early 1990s, to avoid eval and all of its quirks (if you don't know about this, DON'T look it up - it's totally...
environ 3 ans il y a

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Benefits of Refactoring Code
Benefits of Refactoring CodeI have seen a lot of code in my life, including code from many different people written for...
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Symmetry, tessellations, golden mean, 17, and patterns
Seventeen? Why 17? Well, as a high school student, I attended HCSSIM, a summer program for students interested in math. ...
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What Do MATLAB and Games Have in Common?
Today I want to introduce you to Jake Mitchell, a MATLAB user that I knew of and someone recently reminded me of again. Jake...
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A faster and more accurate sum
Today's guest blogger is Christine Tobler, who's a developer at MathWorks working on core numeric functions.Hi everyone! I'd...
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Cone Programming and Optimal Discrete Dynamics
Today's guest blogger is Alan Weiss, who writes documentation for Optimization Toolbox™ and other mathematical...
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Finding the Optimal Value
Have you ever needed to solve an optimization problem where there were local minima? What strategy do you use to solve it,...
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Sharing and Running MATLAB Code in the Cloud
Table of ContentsLots of Code, Lots of Places Shared Files Code Reproducibility and Reuse Sites that Host...
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webcam, tiledlayout, AI, and a Refrigerator !?!
Before the pandemic (actually a couple of years before), as I was trying to find a super easy way to show the power of a...
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How Long Does My Beard Grow in a Week?
A mind-bending tale of adventure. A mildly distasteful yarn.Today's guest blogger is Rob Holt, who works at MathWorks in...
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What is a leap second, anyway?
Today's post is brought to you from Peter Perkins, a member of the MathWorks development team.Having worked on some of...
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Climate Data Toolbox: Understanding Our Changing Climate
Today our guest blogger is Lisa Kempler, who works at MathWorks in Natick, Massachusetts. Lisa supports researchers and...
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Preparing to Run Code in Parallel
In a recent post, I talked about for-loops in MATLAB and how to optimize their use knowing how MATLAB stores arrays in...
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Having an Argument in Release R2021a
Have you ever looked at code where you are calling a function with many arguments, many of which are strings, and find it...
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A Prime Case Study for Making MATLAB Code Go Faster
Today I'd like to welcome a guest blogger, Mike Croucher, who recently joined MathWorks as a Customer Success Engineer after...
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Once and for All
I was talking to my long-time colleague, Mike Croucher, who joined MathWorks team recently (yay!). About a bunch of...
environ 4 ans il y a

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Paged Matrix Functions
Today's guest blogger is Mary Fenelon, who is the product marketing manager for Optimization and Math here at MathWorks....
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How to Chart My Year (Redux)
Earlier this year, I blogged about charting my year of travels. Well, my year didn't go the way I expected it to go. The...
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Stressed When Searching for Strings?
Do you get clammy hands when you have to search for a string pattern, not just a particular string? Does the thought of...
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Find Inspiration from Outside Your Zone
I don't know if you usually read MathWorks magazine, MathWorks News & Notes; I do. I find it inspiring, am amazed with...
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Astrophotography with MATLAB: Imaging the Orion Nebula
Today I'd like to welcome two guest bloggers. David Garrison is a MATLAB Product Manager here at MathWorks. Andrei Ursache...
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Fill Image NaN Values with Local Average
Recently we had a customer ask how to fill in NaN values in an image with a neighborhood local mean. My friend, colleague,...
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Automatic Differentiation in Optimization Toolbox™
This column is written by Alan Weiss, the writer for Optimization Toolbox documentation. Take it away, Alan.... read more...
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Excess Mortality Analysis for the USA
Today's guest blogger is Jos Martin, from the Parallel Computing team at MathWorks. Whilst normally focussing on making...
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Tips for Moving your Lab-based Classes Online
Today's guest blogger, Div Tiwari, is a Customer Success Engineer at MathWorks. Div partners with universities to support...
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Remove Unneeded feval Calls
Recently I read a post about speeding up functions on Yair's blog. I'll take this opportunity, using Release 2020a, to use...
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The Value of Value Semantics
I am pleased to welcome back Dave Foti to examine some of the ways value semantics work in MATLAB objects and how data...
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