A soumis

2D Line Curvature and Normals
Accurate Curvature and Normals of a line/contour consisting of 2D points

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Wavefront OBJ toolbox
Read and Write Wavefront OBJ geometry and MTL files

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A soumis

Matlab 3D figure to 3D (X)HTML
Converts 3D objects of a Matlab figure to XHTML embedded X3D file. Interactive 3D website graphics.

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A soumis

Showvol Isosurface Render
GUI to show Isosurface of volume data, with fast preview render

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A soumis

Dicom Toolbox
Search/Read/Write dicom folders and dicom volumes

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A soumis

B-spline Grid, Image and Point based Registration
B-spline registration of two 2D / 3D images or corrsp. points, affine and with smooth b-spline grid.

presque 14 ans il y a | 21 téléchargements |


A soumis

Dicom Tags Read and Write
Read / Write raw Dicom tags with large dictionary, for small file manipulations, like anonymize

presque 14 ans il y a | 5 téléchargements |

A soumis

Read Medical Data 3D
GUI to open most Medical file-formats: Dicom, V3D, ISI, NifTI, Analyze and other formats

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A soumis

Fast/Robust Template Matching
Template Matching with SSD Block Matching and Normalized CC, (color) 2D and 3D

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A soumis

Smooth histograms for sparse sampled signals and images, using low-frequency assumption.

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A soumis

List Video Codecs, FourCC
Lists all available video compressors for usage with avifile in Matlab

presque 14 ans il y a | 3 téléchargements |

A soumis

Plot to Bitmap
Plot lines (and text) directly into a bitmap, including filled polygons.

environ 14 ans il y a | 2 téléchargements |


A soumis

Accurate Fast Marching
Multistencils second order Fast Marching 2D and 3D including rk4 shortest path and skeletonize

environ 14 ans il y a | 14 téléchargements |


A soumis

Create Menu Bar (s) on any location in a figure window

environ 14 ans il y a | 2 téléchargements |


A soumis

Search for a value, cell or string inside a Matlab struct

environ 14 ans il y a | 1 téléchargement |

A soumis

Example, Matlab R2010B Cuda CONV2 on GPU using Cuda kernels

environ 14 ans il y a | 3 téléchargements |

A soumis

NVCC cuda compiler wraper
Compile cuda kernels in Matlab, like nvcc('example.cu')

environ 14 ans il y a | 5 téléchargements |


A soumis

Viola Jones Object Detection
Viola Jones Object detection using OpenCV trained classifiers

environ 14 ans il y a | 2 téléchargements |


A soumis

Reset M-lint files
Removes, M-lint caused your previous MATLAB session to terminate unexpectedly

environ 14 ans il y a | 1 téléchargement |

A soumis

FMINLBFGS: Fast Limited Memory Optimizer
Quasi newton limited memory BFGS and Steepest decent optimizer for large amount of unknowns

environ 14 ans il y a | 8 téléchargements |

A soumis

Basic hex editor for viewing and comparing files

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A soumis

Fast Non-Local Means 1D, 2D Color and 3D
NL-means image and signal denoising filter based on similarity between pixel patches

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A soumis

Image Edge Enhancing Coherence Filter Toolbox
Advanced 2D/3D noise removal and edge enhancing with anisotropic diffusion filtering ( Weickert )

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A soumis

OpenSURF (including Image Warp)
SURF (Speeded Up Robust Features) image feature point detection / matching, as in SIFT

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A soumis

Separate Kernel in 1D kernels
Decompose an arbitrary N dimensional filtering kernel into 1D kernels, for faster filtering

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A soumis

Read Truevision TARGA images
Truevision TARGA file-format image reader, for extensions TGA, VDA, ICB VST

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A soumis

Texture Patch
Show a 3D triangulated mesh ( patch ) with a texture

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A soumis

Easily zoom, pan, rotate the camera in a Matlab axis with left/center/right mouse button

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A soumis

Convert a closed triangulated mesh to a tetrahedron volume ( like constrained Delaunay )

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A soumis

Convert a String Array (Text) to a hash code

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