A répondu
User Defined Functions in MATLAB
prodby2_kweave19(6) function product = prodby2_kweave19(N) product = prod(1:2:N); % User inputs N, as the argument to the...

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Increasing lsqcurvefit/nlinfit speed
It would definitely be faster to attach the table as an external variable to an anonymous or nested function, than to freshly lo...

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How to interpolate one axis in a 3D data?
load dats; F=griddedInterpolant(ss); ss=F({1:139,1:48, linspace(1,9,100)});

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A répondu
Using lsqnonneg to determine if there exists a solution to a (generally) under-determined linear system, but error is too large to be convincing.
A better way to investigate the existence of a solution to Aeq*x=beq, x>=0 might be (as below) to find the minimum distance betw...

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A répondu
Using lsqnonneg to determine if there exists a solution to a (generally) under-determined linear system, but error is too large to be convincing.
There is nothing that can be inferred from the resnorm alone about the quality of the solution. 10^-3 is a very good result if t...

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A répondu
Creating multiple cylinders in different coordinates
Using cylindricalFit() from this FEX download https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/87584-object-oriented-tools-...

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A répondu
How many workers for fmincon with UseParallel?
Is the reason to set UseParallel to true when solving a problem with fmincon that it can potentially speed up the evaluation of ...

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A répondu
How to find the span of a matrix in matlab?
You can use this, https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/77437-extract-linearly-independent-subset-of-matrix-colu...

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Reliably determine RAM consumption of MATLAB variables
I am looking for a reliable way to determine how much RAM is devoted to Matlab variable data at a given moment. The whos() comma...

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A répondu
Error using trainNetwork - possible change with Matlab release?
Convert the data to cell array form. XTrain=num2cell(Xtrain,[1,2,3]); XTrain=XTrain(:); YTrain=num2cell(YTrain); YTr...

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A répondu
Need to fit a curve to some data points
x = [1 2 100]; y = [55 22 0]; ylog=log(y+eps); p=polyfit(x,ylog,2); f=@(x) exp(polyval(p,x)); %The fitted function ...

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A répondu
Need to fit a curve to some data points
This uses the fminspleas downloadable, x = [1 2 100]; y = [55 22 0]; flist={@(p,x)1./(x-p(1)).^p(2)}; [p,A]=fminspleas(f...

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A répondu
Discretizing a column array, and performing operations on elements of another column array of the same length that lie in the same bins as the original one
G=findgroups( discretize(Z,edges) ); Fbinned = splitapply(@(z) mean(z,1) , F, G);

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A répondu
How to restrict tensorprod (with contraction) to only give certain results?
No, you cannot. pagemtimes is the appropriate solution.

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different results with fmincon
function [c,ceq] = nonlcon(x,B,v) [~,difference]=fun(x,B,v); c=max(difference)-0.001; ceq=[]; end

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A répondu
Transform coordinates into pixel
Use getframe and writeVideo like in this example: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/videowriter.writevideo.html#mw_6dab...

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A répondu
Extracting tables within a cell.
when try to run a loop to extract these elements and have them written out the loop isn't going past the first cell and only re...

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Why don't getframe RGB codes agree with plotted polyshape RGB codes?
In the code below, I have computed the RGB color code of the square as seen in both a polyshape plot (polyshapeRGB) and as seen ...

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A répondu
Locate two neighboring nodes in space so as to divide the matrix into two
load xydata xy %Original 3D data mapped to 2D xy=xy(tspsearch(xy,5),:); %tspsearch is on the file exchange P=polyshape(xy,...

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A répondu
Loading multiple structure from a folder
It is because not all of the sub-structures mydata(n).data have the same fields. If you contest that, attach the mydata variable...

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Can a ROI shape (ie. a Rectangle made by drawRectangle()) be a property of a class?
You need to specify the complete class name: classdef device properties tag string shape images.ro...

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A répondu
How to create struct from fieldnames and values cell arrays for code generation ?
Does it support transpose for normal arrays? If so, then you might be able to do, list_fields = {'a'; 'b'; 'c'; 'd'}; % the fu...

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A répondu
Four-parameters optimization of a 1D function: wrong values
I would recommend using fminspleas, https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/10093-fminspleas with INLP=[p2,p3,p4...

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A répondu
Solve for A matrix in Ax = 0
n=numel(x); mask=tril(triu(ones(n),-1),+1); %tridiagonal mask A=optimvar('A',[n,n]); prob = eqnproblem; prob.Equation...

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negative value structural similarity index
A negative SSIM value means the values in those regions tend to be negatively correlated. When X goes low, then Y tends to go hi...

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How to handle imagedatastore when input and response have different dimension?
Modify the trntf_input, trntf_label datastores' ReadFcn so that when it reads in the image, it wraps it in a 1x1 cell array. S...

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A répondu
How to plot 3D plane of surface with 3 coordinates data?
You can use planarFit, from this FEX download, https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/87584-object-oriented-tools...

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A répondu
Cure fitting - lsqnonlin
I initially inputted my guess, lower bound, and upper bound with the true optimized values obtained from a published paper. Surp...

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What would be the equation of the following surface?
You could try fitting a 2D Gaussian surface to it, e.g., with this FEX download, https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileex...

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A répondu
Finding Transformation Matrix of a viewer3d object
I think the 3x4 camera projection matrix P would be, h=gca(); camz=h.CameraTarget-h.CameraPosition; camy=-h.CameraUpVector; ...

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