
Saving Figure Data into a Matrix
Hello. I'm using 'image()' to display an image. I'm adding some annotations using text. I'd like to save the final resu...

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Can any body tell me how to implement KSVD in matlab?
Here is a function which implements the K-SVD algorithm. function [ mD ] = DL_KSVD( mD, mX, paramCardinality ) numberO...

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Réponse apportée
Linear Least Squares With 2 Inequality Constraints
I created a solution. It can be found here:

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Linear Least Squares With 2 Inequality Constraints
Hello, I would like to know how can I solve the following Linear Least Squares problem: arg min(x) (Ax - b)'(Ax - b) s....

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Réponse apportée
Computing Mahalanobis Distance Between Set of Points and Set of Reference Points
Here is the solution fully vectorized (Though uses much more multiplications than needed): mA = reshape(bsxfun(@minus, perm...

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Computing Mahalanobis Distance Between Set of Points and Set of Reference Points
Hello, I have an n x p matrix - mX which is composed of n points in R^p. I have another m x p matrix - mY which is compo...

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Réponse apportée
Backslash for solving very big sparse matrix in Ax=b
If you're memory limited the best solution I know of is < Conjugate Gradi...

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Réponse apportée
Weighted k means clustering
Usually the weighting would be using < Mahalanobis Distance> Matrix. If I'm...

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Reshape Video Matrix Into Long RGB Matrix and Back
I think I have a solution (At least one). going from video into one lone image: function [ mOutputImage ] = ReshapeVideo...

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Reshape Video Matrix Into Long RGB Matrix and Back
Hello, Let's say I have a Video Matrix `mVideoMatrix`. This is a 4D matrix (Numnber of Rows x Number of Columns x Number o...

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Create a LUT Table by Euclidean Distance
Ok, I created something using the ' < allcomb> ' function from...

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Create a LUT Table by Euclidean Distance
Hello, I have a list of N vectors in 3D space (Points in RGB color space). We'll call that our Dictionary. The whole data ...

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Issues with The Colon (:) Operator
Hello, I have an issue with the colon operator which operates differently than expected. Let's define the following vect...

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Run Queue of Operations in Parallel
Hello, I have an Image - `mA` which I divided into Blocks: `mA1`,`mA2`, `mA3`, `mA4`. Now I have a function - `BlurImage` ...

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Réponse apportée
[DEPRECATED] What frustrates you about MATLAB?
There 2 main things I want in MATLAB: # OpenCL support so we'll be able to use AMD graphics card which have great Double Prec...

presque 10 ans il y a | 1

Réponse apportée
Parallel Computing Toolbox GPU using ATI with Stream?
There 2 main things I want in MATLAB: # OpenCL support so we'll be able to use AMD graphics card which have great Double Prec...

presque 10 ans il y a | 1

Réponse apportée
I wish MATLAB will move from CUDA to OpenCL. There are great libraries for that and it is time we'll enjoy GPU acceleration i...

presque 10 ans il y a | 2

Réponse apportée
Recursive Implementation of the Gaussian Filter
he answer was simple, the article uses the coefficients value on one hand where the MATLAB implementation on the other. Namely,...

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Recursive Implementation of the Gaussian Filter
Hello, I'm trying to implement the article "Recursive Implementation of the Gaussian Filter". This article suggest an II...

presque 10 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 0




Generate Code with Structure with Different Size Matrices
Hello, I'm trying to use MATLAB Coder to generate code for the following code: for iScaleIdx = 1:numScales gaussi...

environ 10 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 0




Averaging Overlapping Pixels in Sliding Window Operation
Hello, I'm looking for an efficient way to average overlapping pixels which are result of sliding window operation. To exp...

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Réponse apportée
When will MATLAB 2014b release?
MATLAB R2014b is out. I'm so disappointed Mathworks does nothing to improve the language speed. Moreover, they are still s...

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Réponse apportée
What is changing in R2014b?
MATLAB R2014b is out. I'm so disappointed Mathworks does nothing to improve the language speed. Moreover, they are still s...

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Réponse apportée
Integrating MATLAB R2014a with Visual Studio 2013
Update: It seems I managed to have VS 2013 on my list. Yet when I try to use 'loadlibrary' as in the documentation: htt...

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Integrating MATLAB R2014a with Visual Studio 2013
Hello, I have Visual Studio 2013 Premium installed. It was installed using its defaults. I try to integrate it with MATLA...

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Réponse apportée
Matlab R2014a and Visual Studio Professional 2013
I have the same issue, Installed VS 2013 on Windows 7. I have MATLAB R2014a and the VS 2013 isn't on the available compilers li...

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Parallelization of a Loop with 'parfor - Unsuccessfully
Hello, I created an algorithm which work on Image Patches. I go through matrix of an image and apply a function of a neighborh...

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Réponse apportée
Using the MX Matrix Library in General C Code
It seems Mathworks did something to disable the option to create a C code which uses their library outside the MEX scope. I D...

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Réponse apportée
Replication Photoshop's Gaussian Blur and Unsharp Mask in MATLAB
Photoshop uses Integral Images approximation for the Gaussian Blur. Its Unsharp Mask is once applied for "Dark Halos" and o...

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Réponse apportée
Vectorizing Calculation of the Autocorreltion function of a Matrix (Per Column)
It can be done using Toeplitz matrix.

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