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Ordinary Annuity : Rate (Present Value)
Theorem : Present Value of an Ordinary Annuity where; P : Present value of all payments A : Periodic payment r : Interest ...

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Ordinary Annuity : Number of payments (Future Value)
Theorem : Future Value of an Ordinary Annuity where; F : Future value A : Periodic payment r : Rate per period n : Numbe...

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Determine RSA keys (public and private) given two prime number character strings (p and q)
Given two prime number character strings (p and q), generate the RSA public and private keys (n and d) with e = 65537. The more ...

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Ordinary Annuity : Present Value
Theorem : Present Value of an Ordinary Annuity where; P : Present value of all payments A : Periodic payment r : Interest ...

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Ordinary Annuity : Periodic Payments (Future Value)
Theorem : Future Value of an Ordinary Annuity where; F : Future value A : Periodic payment r : Rate per period n : Numbe...

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Compound Interest: Present Value
Theorem : Compound Interest where, F : Future value at the end of n periods P : Present value r : Annual nominal rate n :...

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Simple Interest : Calculate Future Value
Theorem : Simple Interest where; F : Future Value P : Present Value r : Annual simple interest rate (decimal) t : Time in...

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Simple Interest : Calculate annual simple interest rate
Theorem : Simple Interest where; F : Future Value P : Present Value r : Annual simple interest rate (decimal) t : Time in...

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Compound Interest : Future Value
Theorem : Compound Interest where, F : Future value at the end of n periods P : Present value r : Annual nominal rate n :...

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Simple Interest : Calculate time in years
Theorem : Simple Interest where; F : Future Value P : Present Value r : Annual simple interest rate (decimal) t : Time in...

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Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Crossing the Bridge of Death
To cross the Bridge of Death, your function must return the numerical value for the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow

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Find R*Rp-N*Np=1 given gcd(R,N)=1

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Output the Montgomery Form of the Input Matrix

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Just another norm problem (JANP)
*Task:* Implement a function that takes a square matrix A and returns a nonzero vector yc which minimizes ...

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Polygon Interior Angle Sum
Given the number of sides of a regular polygon, find the sum of interior angles. Return 0 for input for which regular polygon a...

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counting for loop
Complete the function below using a for loop to count from 3 to N by 2. For example, if N is 10, count 3, 5, 7, 9 and stop. Fo...

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Simple Interest : Calculate Present Value
Theorem : Simple Interest where; F : Future Value P : Present Value r : Annual simple interest rate (decimal) t : Time in...

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Compound Interest : Compounding Periods
Theorem : Compound Interest where, F : Future value at the end of n periods P : Present value r : Annual nominal rate n :...

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Zero or hero
A number will be given as an input. You can be hero if it's not zero. (Just for fun)

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Ordinary Annuity : Future Value
Theorem : Future Value of an Ordinary Annuity where; F : Future value A : Periodic payment r : Rate per period n : Numbe...

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Loja de tintas
Faça um programa para uma loja de tintas. O programa deverá receber o tamanho em metros quadrados da área a ser pintada. Conside...

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Matrizes Multiplicaveis
Dadas duas matrizes M1 e M2, verifique se as matrizes podem ser multiplicadas uma pela outra M1 = [1 2 3; 4 5 6] M2 = [7; 8; 9...

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Juros Simples
Faça uma função que calcule o montagem de um investimento com juros simples que receba como argumentos o capital inicial C, a ta...

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Calculo das raizes com Bhaskara
Dado três valores a, b e c. Calcule as raizes da equação ax² + bx + c = 0 * para raizes reais, deve ser arrendondado em 2 casas...

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Dado um número inteiro n, retorne 'buzz' se esse valor for multiplo de 5, ou retorne o valor caso contrario. Buzz(5) = 'buzz'; ...

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Dado um número inteiro n, retorne 'fizz' se esse valor for multiplo de 3, ou retorne o valor caso contrario. Fizz(3) = 'fizz'; ...

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Maior Primo
Dado um valor inteiro N, qual o maior valor primo <= N MaiorPrimo(5) = 5; MaiorPrimo(10) = 7;

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Digito das Dezenas
Dado um número inteiro n, retorne qual o digito referente ao digito das dezenas n = 250; digito = DigitoDezena(n); digito = 5...

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Dado um inteiro N, retorne um vetor contendo a tabuada de N de 1 a 10; ex: Tabuada(5) = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50...

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Distancia Vetores
Dados dois vetores a = (x1, y1) e b = (x2, y2). Calcule a distância entre os vetores e verifique se estão perto (distancia < 10)...

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