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Hofstadter Female and Male sequences
The Hofstadter Female (F) and Male (M) sequences are defined as follows Write a function to compute for a given n. See http...

2 mois il y a


Travel a path
In Cody Problem 60251, minnolina asks us to determine the end point given a string indicating unit movements forward, backward, ...

2 mois il y a | 0 | 4 solveurs

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2 mois il y a

A résolu

Instructions Following
Complete the function follow(s) which, for a given string (containing only the letters 'f', 'b', 'l', 'r'), calculates the final...

2 mois il y a


Add non-triangular numbers
The nth triangular number is the sum of the first n positive integers. The sequence of triangular numbers starts 1, 3, 6, 10, 15...

2 mois il y a | 0 | 7 solveurs


Compute the area of a lune
Write a function to compute the area of the shaded moon-shaped region in the figure below—that is, the area of a smaller circle ...

2 mois il y a | 1 | 6 solveurs

A résolu

Spreadsheet Column Number
Spreadsheet uses an alphabetic naming system for columns, starting with 'A', 'B', 'C', etc. The column names continue like 'AB',...

2 mois il y a

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snake_case to CamelCase convention
The snake_case naming convention writes words in lowercase and separates them with underscores. In CamelCase convention, the fir...

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CamelCase to snake_case convention
The CamelCase naming convention capitalizes the first letter of each word. In snake_case convention, words are written in lowerc...

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A résolu

Hofstadter H sequence
The Hofstadter G sequence is defined as follows: The first elements of the sequence are 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6. Write ...

2 mois il y a

A résolu

Hofstadter G sequence
The Hofstadter G sequence is defined as follows: The first elements of the sequence are 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6. Write ...

2 mois il y a

A résolu

Final Stone Weight
You are given an array with weights of stones. The objective is to determine the weight of the final stone remaining after all c...

2 mois il y a

A résolu

Finding the Most Frequent Letter in a Text
You are given a text containing various English letters, digits and punctuation symbols. Your task is to find the most frequentl...

2 mois il y a

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Stern-Brocot Sequence
The Stern-Brocot diatomic sequence is defined as follows: The first elements of the sequence are 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 4...

2 mois il y a

A résolu

Maximizing Stock Profit
As a stock exchange broker focusing on a single transaction, your goal is to maximize profit by buying a stock at a low price an...

2 mois il y a


Minimize a quadratic function
Write a function to minimize the function . The coefficients a, b, and c will be positive. Give the coefficients in a vector coe...

2 mois il y a | 0 | 7 solveurs

A résolu

Hofstadter Q sequence
The Hofstadter G sequence is defined as follows: The first elements of the sequence are 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6. Write ...

2 mois il y a

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3 mois il y a

A résolu

Perfect shuffle
We call "perfect shuffle" the process of cutting a deck of cards into two equal halves, and then perfectly interleaving them: on...

3 mois il y a

A résolu

Battery Charge Indicator
Write a function called battery_charge that visually represents the charge of a battery. The function takes an integer paramete...

3 mois il y a

A résolu

Find Next Strictly Greater Element
Given an array of numbers, create a new array where each element represents the next strictly greater element to the right of th...

3 mois il y a

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3 mois il y a

A résolu

Remove Unique Elements
Given a list of integers, we want to keep only the non-unique elements in this list. To do this, we need to remove all the uniqu...

3 mois il y a

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Absolute Sorting
Given an array with various numbers, your have to sort it by absolute value in ascending order. For example, for the array [-2...

3 mois il y a

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Reverse Integer
You are given an integer, reverse its digits. For negative integers, the sign should remain in the front. For instance, 12340 s...

3 mois il y a

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3 mois il y a

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3 mois il y a

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3 mois il y a

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3 mois il y a

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