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Map data from a conical surface in an image to a rectangle in x-theta coordinates.
Hi, According to my understanding you want to use the 3 projections (top, left, and side) to construct a composite image. You ...

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Réponse apportée
Which tracker from the sensor fusion and tracking toolbox suits best for tracking cars?
Hi, I understand that you want to track the position and velocity of vehicles from a video source. It looks like you are using...

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Réponse apportée
Outlier Detection of a matrix depending on spatio coordinates
(This is a repost from the comments section) If you want to detect outliers within each matrix rather than considering each mat...

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SPM12 Batch Editor automation
Hi, If I understand correctly, you are trying to iteratively analyse patient image data through SPM12. It seems like it is pos...

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Réponse apportée
How can I render a three-compositional raster map using a ternary colormap?
Hi Jian, If you have sand, silt, and clay data for each point, you could try out the geoscatter function: https://in.mathworks...

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