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Transfer Function in Simulink
Use those variables (a and b) in the simulation, define them in the workspace with default values before the simulation starts ...

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multiple bode plots on same graph
Maybe something with *hold on*?! g = tf([1 0.1 7.5],[1 0.12 9 0 0]); bode(g) hold on g = tf([1],[1 0.12 9 0 0]); ...

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Réponse apportée
vectors from array
a=randi(5,3,5) %sample array %put all columns of the array in diferent cells b=arrayfun(@(x)a(:,x),1:size(a,2),'un...

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Reset button
set(findobj(0,'style','edit'),'string','') %put this in the button callback %that should clear all edit uicontrols or s...

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Repetition of rows of a matrix maintaining the number of columns
A=[ 1 2 3 4 5 6] N=1; %number of repeats kron(A,ones(N+1,1))

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Frequence of the signal
From the MATLAB documentation of the fft function: Fs = 1000; % Sampling frequency T = 1/Fs; ...

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compute number of pulses for ECG signal
Find the number of peaks with the Signal Processing Toolbox™ *findpeaks* function or one similar function from the <http://www.m...

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MATLAB - Stop execution of .m file while Simulink is running
Use the Simulink *sim* function instead to start the simulation, that way after the simulation is over the code continues execut...

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How to divide and times in matlab
1/sqrt(R^2+(w*L-1/(w*C))^2) if perhaps you are working with arrays or vectors and you want the operations to be performed ele...

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Are you convert matlab code to visual basic code form for me, please?
clc,clear all x = 0:0.2:1; % get a dimensional array of real number type fid = fopen('dene3.txt','w';); ...

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finding a mathematical function that passes from specified points
x=[10 30 50 100 125 250 350 500 550 750 1000]; y=[91 92 93.2 93.5 94 95.2 95.4 95.1 95 94.5 93.8]; plot(x,y,'o') n=8;...

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Réponse apportée
Comparing two matrices, and acting upon the result element by element.
A=randi(5,3,3) B=10*randi(5,3,3)+5 v=2 %your specific value A(A==v)=B(A==v) %replace elements of A equal t...

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Using Figure
doc subplot example t=0.01:0.01:1; x=rand(100,2); subplot(211) plot(t,x(:,1),'red','linewidth',2 ) xlabel('Time (s...

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how do I reshape an array into a matrix that has dimensions of (user indicated number) by 4?
parameter =[1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4] reshape(parameter,4,3)

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Creating a distance matrix in Matlab?
On the Neural Network Toolbox™ you have the mandist function that seems to do what you need, if you don't have that toolbox try ...

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Matrix - empty selected cells
You might encounter problems when removing values from array because the dimensions must be consistent M = [ 1.23 1.34-4i 275...

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Create Labview/Simulink like environment with GUIDE?
I'm not familiar with Labview but I made several GUI's that control Simulink simulations, you can have something like this <http...

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Help needed displaying multiple plots (and maybe preassigning too)
doc hold %allows you to have more than one plot on a axes doc subplot %if you want more than one axes on a figure <ht...

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A=[20 30 40 50] MATLAB index values start at 1 not 0

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Detect P-code
Maybe this: a=dbstack('-completenames'); if (isempty(strfind(a.file,'.m'))) disp('pcode') else disp('mfile') ...

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In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same.
syms t x=-3:.1:3; for i=1:length(x); Pin=3*exp(-t^2); z=x(i); Eo(i)=int(Pin,t,-inf,z); ...

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Return the number of rows of an array of cell data
doc cellfun

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Expression (equation)
Simplest version I can think of t=0:0.1:100; % Time vector A=0.1; % Value of A that you can c...

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problem in using symbols
doc vpa %just a wild guess of something that might be useful to you

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GUI Matlab
I don't think that Mathworks implemented the feature yet, take a look at how the users are making GUIs with tabs, for example <h...

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print in a loop
fprintf('\n') for i=1:3 fprintf('p[%d] ',i) end fprintf('\n') or a fancy version with comma fprintf('\n') fo...

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Réponse apportée
tf object manipulation
Small example syms s Numerator=[1]; Denominator=[1 0 1]; sys=tf(Numerator,Denominator) ex=evalc('sys') ...

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user interface
By MATLAB window you mean Figure don't you? What you want to do is a GUI, that can be done using GUIDE or by doing all the co...

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Quickie, global variables and sub functions.
The variables should be passed to the functions as arguments, using global variables always introduce problems that are hard to ...

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exponential curve
From the User-Defined Functions use the MATLAB Fcn, the code you should put in that block is exp(u(1)) Now for input try the...

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