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how to add title/caption to FormalTable ?
Hi Srushti, Please refer this answer which captures the same issue. Regards.

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how to include the simulation result graph image (obtained from GUI) into the Report Generator Code?
Hi, One way you could add simulation images to a report is to have the figure saved locally and use 'append' function. Hope th...

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Good day, How can I create a push button that creates a new variable every time the user presses the button in App designer?
Hi Kyle, Creating dynamic variables could lead to your code being inefficient and affect its readability. A better practice wou...

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How can I use function to give me a variable from an excel file?
Hi Claudia, Following lines of code shows one of the ways you could solve your problem: tbl= readtable('excel.xlsx'); %variab...

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Réponse apportée
Matlab 2021b: Run Section in debugging mode not working anymore
Hi Michael, This is a known issue and our developers are aware about it. It might be fixed in future releases. There are no w...

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Trying to do DFT and getting 'Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements' error.
The expression "2/L*sum( y.*cos(w*n*t) )" returns an array of size 1xM. Equating it to "a(n)" is bound to produce an error as "a...

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Need Simulink help using analog input signals to fft
Hi Emmanuel, Could you please share what issues are you facing? Meanwhile you can refer this question and its comments. It ...

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how to create a graphic-table point correspondence
Hi Laura, You can use 'uitable' function to add a table into the figure and position it below the scatter plot using 'Position'...

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Splitting the first cell of my table into two
Hi Noush, You can separate the values using 'strsplit' function by giving delimiter argument as ':' in this case. It would retu...

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Show image with dialog box for user input
Hi Abhilash, Once you display the image to user, you can use 'datacursormode' function to create a data cursor manager object f...

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Matlab 2021b: Run Section now interrupts currently running section?
Hi Joseph, This is a known issue which the developers are already aware of and might be fixed in a future release. A workaroun...

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Réponse apportée
signal interpolation after getting fft for voice signal ?
Hi Haider, I understand that you have computed fft of the signal imported and wish to plot its upper peak envelope. You can use...

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Réponse apportée
Code for discrete signal plot.
Hi Syed, Inorder to plot the signal, you have to first define discrete time instances and signal values. Time vector can be def...

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Creating a pop up menu from a spreadsheet
Assuming the items lie in the spreadsheet as a single column, 'readcell' function can be used to return the items as a cell arra...

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UITableCellSelection callback for selecting cells and providing an output
Hi. One possible approach to solve the problem is given below: 'UITable' can be populated with links corresponding to the pages...

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How do I get GNa(t) and Gk(t) on the same graph? On the graph there is supposed to be currents for m, n , h
As per my understanding, the currents for 'm', 'n' and 'h' are returned by the function as s1(:,2), s1(:,3) and s1(:,4) respecti...

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Réponse apportée
How to label characteristic values of step response on the figure?
Hi, The 'stepinfo' function outputs a structure with fields as the step response characteristics. Please refer 'this' answer to...

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generate and plo gaussian random sequence
Hi, You can use 'randn' function to generate gaussian random sequence with mean 1 and variance 0 and transform it to desired me...

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Conditional sequence generator for sinus
Hi, One way to generate the sequence is to use relational operators to assign values to variable 'x'. Following lines of code s...

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Trouble plotting variables from cache menu and table
Hi, I understand that you have a table consisting of multiple variables and you wish to have 2 dropdowns in the app, which sele...

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Unable to split bar graph variables
Following lines of code shows one possible solution to your problem. The bar graph is created against a categorical value on the...

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How to make a summation series with a dataset
The following function shows one possible approach to solve this problem . I assume that the dataset contains 1000x1 double valu...

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Force certain data tips to show by default on figure?
As per my understanding, you have a scatter plot and wish to have certain data tips visible in the plot by default. You could us...

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Need help in dropdownopening callback.
Assuming the x and y sliders adjust x-axis limit and y-axis limit of the plot respectively, following lines of code shows one of...

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Obtaing a Node's ID
Following piece of code shows one possible way to do the same. A button had been added to the figure. Upon selecting required no...

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Plotting Schottkly diode I-V chracteristics
Assuming correctness of parameters and equations, error exists only in final 2 lines of code. Multiplication to compute J must b...

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Center Checkbox nested in a GridLayout in App designer
By default, adding a checkbox into grid results in the checkbox being placed towards the left of the grid cell. One of the ways ...

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Test Sequence - Sample Time period
As per my understanding, you have chosen fixed-step solver to run the test harness with a step size of 0.5 and then chosen a sam...

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How can I use conditional operators to only obtain values from an array which satisfies the condition?
As per my understanding, final result holds values in m that are less than 5 or greater than 14. Executing '&' operation will re...

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How to find out number of source nodes and average indegree of a source node in directed graph?
As per my understanding you have a directed graph and you want to compute indegree and number of source and target nodes. The fo...

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