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Saving a figure with a textbox
Why not use text? It can still appear outside the axes; x = linspace(0,2*pi); y = sin(x); h = figure; plot(x,y); ...

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Summation, Please help i will buy you a cookie :D
Let's break it down into some steps. First consider the problem for a moment; We have the series U(n+1) = U(n)^2, U(1) = 0.5 ...

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hist() function: Error using .* Error in hist (line 78)
It seems as though hist() prefers floating point values (single or double). Try; hist(double(R(:))) % Histogram of red chan...

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Segmenting an image according a threshold
thresh = 66; I(I < thresh) = 0; I(I > thresh) = 255;

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How can i calculate the largest interval when the elements of an array are larger than a value?
We can find the sequence using find and diff; seq = [0 6 5 2 16 17 16 11 12 14 5 6 9 16 17 18 18 9] thresh = 15 gt = find...

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MATLAB Figure file trouble
Since I don't have your full code, I have made two assumptions: # I have changed the button's TAG to "button_capture" # Make...

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Pulling .mat files from multiple directories in one function
Windows convention with 'nix file slash...? Anyway... when you call; "load lName" it searches for lName from the current dire...

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Why guidata() doesn't work on an user function?
Here's what's going on - guidata updates the handles structure in the function it's called in, but the user function that calls ...

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How to make available initialization variables in workspace
You probably want to set a debug point somewhere in the while loop - either use the debug command or click the tick mark next to...

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how to debug matlab code
<http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/dbstop.html dbstop> is the corresponding main matlab debugging command. There are also...

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What's missing from MATLAB Central...
1) Github hosts a large number of MATLAB projects, and would be a great place to start if you want to jump into something collab...

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code to obtain better curves
If you have the curve-fitting toolbox, smooth might be a good place to start; <http://www.mathworks.com/help/curvefit/smooth.htm...

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File handling code for popup menu in gui
You can use the get command; get(handles.mypopup) Or for specific cases; get(handles.mypopup,'string'); % returns a...

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Réponse apportée
Setting different values to properties in subplots generated by a function in a plot
Here's some example code using handles; figure subplot(1,2,1); plot(x,y) subplot(1,2,2) h1 = plot(x,z) hold on h2 = p...

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Question about 'save' option for workspace variable saving
The filename needs to be a string. You can make a string with a variable value in it by using sprintf and providing the variable...

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I want to plot a line over a bar graph that shows a smooth distribution and display the mean, median, and range of the data.
You can use hold on to overlay plots (scaling factors 300, 150, 125 chosen to arbitrarily); A = randn(1000,1); hist(A) ...

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How do I get fprintf to display several matrices at once while maintaining the desired order?
My guess would be that this is because MATLAB uses column-major order, you could simply transpose the matrix you are sending to ...

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How to put a 3D bar graph besides a gray scale image?
Just saw this in the FeX, it may solve your problem; <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/7943-freezecolors-u...

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Matlab Floating point question
Your first one is perhaps not producing the results you expect it to plot(diff(start:endit)/samprate) vs. plot(diff...

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Import txt file into matlab using programically
The Documentation has rather extensive help for file opening, reading and saving <http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/ref/f16-...

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I need to know where should I put a file path. nc to be read by matlab?
Do you mean 'not to be read'? Just put it somewhere that is not included in the MATLAB Path (File -> Set Path). Matlab searches ...

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How to use fittype and fit to get a logarithmic fit to some data
You may need to supply additional parameters to the fyttype object, otherwise it doesn't know what variables it can vary, and wh...

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Plotting surf tiles at the center rather than bottom left
It looks like you're using essentially a binary map for the image. I would use imagesc instead, it draws the patch centered at t...

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Sorting the variables in cells
I don't know of a built-in function that sorts cell arrays. I did a similar task awhile ago and had to pull out the data into a ...

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Capture frames from 3D comet plot to make a movie
I had the same problem as you when modifying comet3. I got the movie working, but the process eliminates the immeadiate tail of ...

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How can I plot a single graph that is generated from a file that contains various subfiles?
datafiles = dir('datarus*_qsStruc.mat'); nfiles = length(datafiles); % Get plot colors from a colormap mycolors = lin...

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BWDIST label matrix not returning expected labels
I think you really want the distMap output, which gives you the _distance_ to the nearest non-zero pixel. labelMask gives you...

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Derivative of vector wrt time vector
A simple brute force numerical derivative would be find the change in x and divide by the change in t; dx = x(2:end) - x(1:...

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Load CSV file to matlab and avoiding word written in csv file for data analysis
<http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/ref/importdata.html importdata> does a pretty good job of separating header from file inf...

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Don't understand my error mention
Can you post the code to trapezes - the error message says the problem is in there, you have something like; function Itr=t...

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