Réponse apportée
Filter design to remove noise
Are you talking about the high frequency stuff? Try lowpass.m

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Réponse apportée
Error in 'udp/UDP Receive': Received a fractional-length packet for the specified data type.
I've had this issue before and it was related to the port already being used by another process. You may want to change you port...

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Current Directory for Generated Code
pwd Doesn't seem to be supported for code generation. How might one get the current directory when deploying code with code gene...

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Réponse apportée
How can I set up unequal bin widths in a histogram?
Check out the 'BinEdges' argument. blah = randi(20,1000,1); histogram(blah,"Normalization","probability","DisplayStyle","bar"...

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Properly Disconnect from ROS2 Network with Generated Code
The Matlab ROS2 publish/subscribe documentation suggests using clear to remove the sample nodes, publishers and subscribers from...

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How to Flush Input Buffer for dsp.UDPReceiver
I am using dsp.UDPReceiver objects in my code. There are times when I put my code into an idle state. When I transition back to ...

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Réponse apportée
How do I pre-allocate memory for a structure?
repmat offers another solution for preallocating structures: [SL: Removed broken link to code generation documentation, added l...

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Réponse apportée
Object Arrays in Code Generation
The answer is that it does not support object arrays. Here is the workaround https://www.mathworks.com/help/coder/ug/resolve-er...

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Object Arrays in Code Generation
Does code generation support arrays of custom objects? Here is a simple class. classdef MyClass properties value...

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Réponse apportée
Code Generation Segmentation Fault
I figured out the problem. In my code, I has a relative path that pointed to a configuration file my code needed that used to be...

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Code Generation Segmentation Fault
I am trying to generate an executable from my Matlab Code. I have done this in the past with this same codebase and it worked fi...

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Réponse apportée
ROS2 Bag Writer?
I appears as though this wasn't supported for R2022a, but the prerelease of R2022b has a new function ros2bagwriter object: http...

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Error recovery (try/catch) for Code Generation
What is the best way to implement error handling for Matlab code that I plan to deploy to C/C++ so that my code doesn't crash if...

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ROS2 Lifecycle Node Example
I am trying to build a ROS2 node in Matlab that is compliant as a life cycle managed node. I am having trouble understanding how...

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Use ROS2 Launch File to Run Multiple Instances of Matlab Generated ROS2 Nodes
I have generated and succesfully deployed a ROS2 node that publishes simple messages from my Matlab code. I can run this on my t...

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Réponse apportée
Compatibility ros2node with Coder Generation
FYI for anyone in the future: A quick way to see how to use command line code generation if you are used to using the Coder App ...

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How to Run a ROS2 Node Executable Generated by Coder?
I have a simple function that publishes to a ROS2 topic and I need this publisher to run as a separate process outside of Matlab...

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Compatibility ros2node with Coder Generation
According to the ros2node documentation, the function supports code generation with a one node per function limitation. When I t...

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ROS2 Bag Writer?
There appears to only be a rosbagwriter function for ROS log files but not ROS2 log files: https://www.mathworks.com/help/ros/...

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Réponse apportée
Delete array elements with Coder compatibility
Figured out a solution. Redefine the string use logical indexing to select all but the element you want to exclude. myStr = myS...

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Delete array elements with Coder compatibility
I need to delete elements of a string with compatibility for Coder. For example: myStr = 'This is a fun problem!' myStr(10) = ...

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Réponse apportée
Timing for UDP Data Stream
@Gavin Grant This isn't quite what I was looking for, as I was trying to get execution synchronized with wall clock time. I real...

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Simulink Standalone Executable from Coder for Real-Time Execution
I need to receive UDP data in real time and do some light processing of the data (mixing and decimating). I eventually want to r...

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Signal types for dimension 8 vs [8 x 1] - what's the difference?
I appologize for such a simple questions, but I am in the process of learning Simulink. I am using the 'Information Overlay' to ...

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Timing for UDP Data Stream
I have a software defined radio that is streaming data over a network port at 192,000 Samples per second. I want to connect to t...

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Réponse apportée
No log file generated for standalone app
I got a response back from Mathworks Support about this. In short, as suspected, there is an issue with file permissions in Find...

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No log file generated for standalone app
I am on macOS Catalina trying to deploy a standalone Matlab app using the application compliler. I am on R2020b. I check off t...

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Auto resize of manually added axes
I need to manually add axes to a figure, but I want the axes I add to automatically resize when I maximize/scale the figure wind...

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Réponse apportée
Print an array of coordinates with 2 Arrays of Varriables.
Simple in Matlab X = [150 200 300 500]'; Y = [300 500 800 300]'; coords = [X,Y] coords = 150 300 200 500 ...

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Réponse apportée
Matlab Coder support for object arrays
I believe this isn't possible. I think you have to use a cell array of the objects as a work around. See this answer: Limitati...

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