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Why sets Matlab automatically the activation functions for a neural network like this?
The simplest useful approximation is is a series of blocks with different heights and widths. The simplest useful DIFFERENTIAB...

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Artificial Neural Networks Hidden Layers
Number of input and output nodes is determined by the data. Number of hidden layers and nodes is determined by the program auth...

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Neural Network Classification Results
The original class sizes are unequal. Hope this helps THANK YOU FOR FORMALLY ACEEPTING MY ANSWER Greg

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Please help with narnext error Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.????
x5=data_inputs(5,1:17); x6=data_inputs(6,1:17); x7=data_inputs(6,1:17); x8=data_inputs(7,1:17); x9=data_inputs(9,1:17); Hop...

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Hyperparameter tuning of neural network
One hidden layer is always sufficient. However, sometimes 1. Knowledge of the physical or mathematical process may lead to a ...

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Different results in training a CNN with Matlab 2018a and Matlab 2019a
You are making the task difficult by going backwards. Start with a single hidden node and add nodes one at a time. Hope this...

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For demonstration of old AND new concepts and ideas, PLEASE use the sample NN data sets provided by MATLAB help nndatas...

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cross validation in neural network using K-fold
%i am using neural network for classification but i need to use instead of holdout option , K-fold. ==> FALSE!. You mean y...

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Can the number of Predictors be different for Train and Test data?
Of course not. The ultimate purpose of training is to create a model that works well on non-training data. Thank you for form...

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How to check the robustness of the Neural network model?
If you are going to test with white noise, include white noise in your design (i.e., training + validation) Then, given a fixed...

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NARX with Complex Values Input
Decades ago I learned (the hard way) to forget about trying to use complex computations for NNs. However, if you insist, let us...

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Réponse apportée
Why sets Matlab automatically the activation functions for a neural network like this?
That is a standard configuation for a neural net. It's operation is explained in every elementary text. Thank you for formally...

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How to plot Network performance?
You have lost training information, So the only thing left is output vs input. Hope this helps. Thank you for formally ac...

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Elman Neural Network (ENN)
size(P_TRAIN) = [ 1296 1728] size(T_TRAIN) = [ 432 1728] Hope this helps. *Thank you for formally accepting my answer* ...

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NARX re-training in closed loop
Using 100 feedback delays makes no sense. Only use feedback delays that are within the correlation length of the function. See...

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Can CNN train separately instead of learning everything at one time?
I try to have the order of inputs as random and uncorrelated as possible. Otherwise the probability of extensive learning/unlear...

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In evaluating a neural net, should NMSE be based only on test subset of data?
For serious work I calulate FOUR values of NMSE: 1.70% Training 2.15% Validation 3.15% Test 4.100% All for 10 (typically...

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Is the "patternnet" a fully connected neural network
Yes. The only difference between my classifiers and regressors is the sigmoid output layer instead of linear. Hope this helps....

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How to train and test time series data in Neural Network Toolbox
I order to test a net you have to compare the actual output with the desired output. Hope this helps. THANK YOU FOR FORMALLY...

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Artificial Neural Network implementation and to know the importance of each of the input on output(Response) - wanted help
The way I determine the importance of a single input is 1. Calculate the error using all inputs 2. Loop over inputs ...

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transfer function purelin equation based on neural network toolbox
Read the documentation help purelin doc purelin Greg

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How to use a sequenceInputLayer with a regressionLayer (neural networks) ?
The answer is obvious: help regressionlayer doc regressionlayer *Thank you for formally accep...

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Time Domain Signal for neural network
If you have rpm I don't see why time is important. However, there is no reason you cannot do both and see what difference it ma...

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Adding hidden layers to a patternnet hurts accuracy?
The global minimum is achievable with a single hidden layer. With more hidden layers you add more local minima; most of which ...

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Training neural network - Forward Pass
You are very mixed up. I suggest going to the library and finding a good elementary NN book. Obviously, the appropriate info is...

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Hello, I'm working with artificial neural network.
Three layers are sufficient: input/hidden/output The input layer is NOT a neuron layer. The number of input nodes is the dimens...

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Why neural network gives negative output ?
How different is the new data (e.g., Mahalanobis distance)? If you know the true outputs, how do the error rates compare? If y...

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Rsq from NMSE in NN
NMSE = mse(trnopdb-net(trnipdb))/MSE00 i.e., NO TRANSPOSES 2. Rsq = R^2 3. Yes. Use separate calculations fo...

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Oh! It only opens up at the top of the page if the page is sufficiently wide. Since I often use large type and 2 pages per scre...

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Interpolation using Neural Networks
Plot the data. Look at the plots Are there regions that are seasonal? Separate the data that is relevant to your problem Ca...

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