Dr Narayanaswamy P R Iyer
M.E.(Power Electronics and Drives), UTS, NSW, Australia. Ph.D.(Power Electronics and Drives), Curtin University of Technology, Perth, WA, Australia. Received B.Sc.(Engg)(Electrical) and M.Sc.(Engg)(Power systems) degrees from Kerala University and Madras University respectively. Published the following text books: 1) "Power Electronic Converters: Interactive Modelling Using Simulink", CRC Press, 2018. 2) AC to AC Converters: Modelling, Simulation and Real-Time Implementation Using SIMULINK", CRC Press, 2019. Present MATLAB Version: R2022a. MATLAB License Number: 40513742 Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home Version 10.0 (Build 14393) Java Version: Java 1.8.0_121-b13 with Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.R. NARAYANASWAMY. Dr NARAYANASWAMY P R IYER EMAIL: nswamy.iyer@gmail.com
Python, C++, C, Java, MATLAB, HTML, Fortran
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English, Hindi
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High Rotor speed and oscillating troque
Hi: I can't predict anything unless I am able to see the model. P.R. NARAYANASWAMY. DR. N P R IYER EMAIL: nswamy.iyer@gm...
11 mois il y a | 0
High Rotor speed and oscillating troque
Hi: It all depends upon the model configuration such as whether the model is open loop or closed loop and whether any speed or...
11 mois il y a | 0
Run a simulink model for a certain amount of time and pause at T=0.5 more than 9h
You have to click 'view diagnosticks' at the bottom screen and follow the instructions. P.R. NARAYANASWAMY DR. N P R IYER...
12 mois il y a | 0
Are there any MATLAB Simulink models for Indirect Matrix Converters, especially Sparse Matrix Converter?
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How to find THD?
Check the result by setting sample time to zero and also by setting it to 50e-6 Second.
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Hi. In Simulink modeling, what can we do to ensure that the switching waveforms of the duty cycle and 1-duty cycle are not in phase?
Connect q1 to NOT gate and use Data Type Conversion block if error message occurs.Output of NOT gate is q3. Alternatively connec...
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Better solver for simscape power electronics simulation
In case of uncertainty as to which solver to be used, select AUTO solver selection mode from the drop down menu.
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What solver settings is best for a closed loop Dual active bridge simulation??
Usually ode23tb will be sufficient. If you are unsure select auto (automatic solver selection) mode.
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What is an efficient way to do PID tuning in a model with long computing time?
You may use Ziegler-Nicholas step response or else frequency response method for tuning PID controllers.
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Controling multiple switches in a multiple input DC-DC converter
Hi Mohammad Alsalman: You have to use combined combinational and sequential logic. I give below how to generate gate pulse fo...
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Controling multiple switches in a multiple input DC-DC converter
Hi Mohammad Alsalman: You have to use combined combinational and sequential logic. I give below how to generate gate pulse fo...
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Explaining the function of certain blocks
Hi: Assume that pulse generator output is vg and armature voltage control signal output is vcon. The top mux output, vcon, bot...
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I want to do Primary frequency response of DFIG Wind Turbine in script form (MATLAB).
Hi: Please refer to the following text book: NARAYANASWAMY P R IYER: "Power Electronic Converters Interactive Modelling Usin...
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How to find people to work on a collaborative project
I can work if the project falls within the broad area of Power Electronics and Drives. DR. NARAYANASWAMY P R IYER EMAIL: ns...
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| A accepté
I want to do Primary frequency response of DFIG Wind Turbine in script form (MATLAB).
Hi: Try using EMBEDDED MATLAB Function in SIMULINK.
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How to find THD?
If your model is in SIMULINK, use THD module from Simscape / Electrical / Specialized Power Systems / Sensors and Measurements ...
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How To Input Duty Ratio into Pulse Generator
Enter period as 20e-6 Seconds and pulse width as 50.
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Torque control of PMSM motor- Need help
Hi: Torque set point is the rated machine torque. Torque set point is required to calculate id and iq reference values and stat...
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Help understanding transformers in simulink
The results appears alright. The spikes in waveform could be due to inductance of transformer windings compared to their resista...
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Defining pmsm parameters for delta configuration
The resistance and inductance values must be multiplied by 2/3 to get the per phase values for delta configuration. Thanks. DR....
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link a full bridge DC/AC to an induction machine
Hi: The PWM output is a gate pulse and is given to the G input of inverter through a four pulse gate multiplexer. The + and - te...
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Why does differentiating PID feedback break the system?
Clock module.
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Why does differentiating PID feedback break the system?
Hi: Instead of integrator at the output of convert to RPS module, use a multiplier block along with time block or time module an...
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How to develop Behavioral model of gate driver integrated circuit using specialized power system library blocks?
Shiny: Please refer to the following text book: NARAYANASWAMY P R Iyer: "AC to AC Converters Modelling, Simulation and Real-T...
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How can I remove the few peaks before the overshoot, so I only have the overshoot peak and then it directly transition into steady state?
For 8 V output, your duty-ratio should be 2/3 (0.67) for given input voltage.
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How can I remove the few peaks before the overshoot, so I only have the overshoot peak and then it directly transition into steady state?
TF is one method. You know the desired output voltage and duty-ratio D. Use this in the model to get open loop voltage response....
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How can I remove the few peaks before the overshoot, so I only have the overshoot peak and then it directly transition into steady state?
You have NOT mentioned anything about triangle carrier frequency. First obtain output voltage response without PI controller. Th...
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my firing angle on this triac does not work correctly ?
For switching thyristors, you may refer to the following text book: NARAYANASWAMY P R IYER: "Power Electronic Converters Inte...
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Problem At Sistem On Chip (SOC,PIL) Example Application
Most probably it could be due to insufficient RAM memory. Please check your PC RAM with the version of MATLAB specific requirem...
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Problem At Sistem On Chip (SOC,PIL) Example Application
Check your PC RAM memory with that specified by MATHWORKS for the MATLAB version used.
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