Réponse apportée
Using "fmincon" function and show "busy" all the time!
fmincon does terminate at some point unless it gets stuck inside an iteration. what i am saying is that there is some logical ex...

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Réponse apportée
"Vectorized" fsolve
first of all, if you loop through R and use the solution of the last loop as starting value, that will already help quite abit (...

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Réponse apportée
fmincon violates nonlinear inequality during search
No there is not. You will have to be innovative yourself to avoid this from happening...

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Robustness with fminimax
they way you present the problem now, you could just replace x(1:n) with y(1:n)=x(1:n) + r(1:n) in the orginal problem.... i...

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Réponse apportée
fmincon function ( constrained nonlinear multi-variable optimization)
about the input variables: dont use them as global variables (as a rule,only in special cases use global variables). i dont know...

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Select all entries in first N-1 dimensions of array
hi, i have a loop in which cell array V keeps expanding: for it=1:10; V{it}= ..... % the number of dimension of V{it} ...

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Réponse apportée
fsolve and indexing
i think you want to use cell arrays to store the vectors of the solutions: C{i,j}=fsolve(....) to call the content: C{i,j...

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Réponse apportée
Using fminunc()
what do you mean, you can't write it down? you can create a function file if the function is hard to capture in one line: fo...

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Réponse apportée
Using fminunc()
what do you want? what is the function you want to optimize for? fminunc searches for a minimum, but for instance x1+x2 is unbou...

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Réponse apportée
Constrained nonlinear regression

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Sorry but cannot fsolve this and don't know why
fsolve can only find local solutions. like the exit message says: it finds a local minimum but it is not 0. So you should try a ...

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Réponse apportée
what changes i need to make for better answer (fmincon)
-22 is better than 0, so the solution fmincon found is better than what you want... why would you want 0 if the optimum (lowest ...

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Réponse apportée
how to solve equations?
you can use fsolve to solve equation, but note that it will only find 1 local solution. it seems that in in your case there is a...

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Réponse apportée
Reduce the numbers of inputs in a numerical function
use passing of parameters: function value=my_fun(x,y,z); end then you make an anonymous function: x0=... y0=... my_fun_z...

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Réponse apportée
fmincon trying to evaluate a vector full of NaN
maybe you can post important bits of your codes? (or the whole code?) if you use finite differences, one possible cause is th...

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Réponse apportée
How do i solve minimax optimization problem?
to solve a minimax program you will have to rely on 'fminsearch', file exchange or write you own optimization routine (this migh...

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Réponse apportée
non linear data fit (weighted least square)
check: -lsqcurvefit -lsqnonlin (both are in optimization toolbox though) im not sure how you want to take account of t...

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Réponse apportée
??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
the error says that matlab tries to evaluate an element in an array, but the array is smaller than the index it tries to acces.....

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Réponse apportée
there are many tools. have a look at them (for some you need specific toolboxes): \ (left divide) regress curvefit lsq...

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Réponse apportée
Algebraic Problem in writing the function for LSQNONLIN tool in the Optimization Toolbox
the message simply tells you that if youo want to add two matrices they have to be of the same size, and apparently that is not ...

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Réponse apportée
finding the minimum value
i have difficulty understanding your code... but lets say you have: w(:,:,1:5) you can add another loop (iw=1:5;), store th...

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Réponse apportée
Fitting in MatLAB
the problem is that fminsearch is not well suited to optimize for more than a couple of parameters, BUT there are special tools ...

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Réponse apportée
fitting data with specific function
i think 'lsqnonlin' is best suited... if you dont want to minimize least squares, you can write your own objective function ...

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Réponse apportée
Probelem with optimization and finding parameters?
how to solve this depends a little bit on what your really want and what your functions look like, because in your example the s...

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Réponse apportée
the question about solving nonlinear equations
hmmm. strange. only thing i can think of is that the gradient is extremely large (infinity?) at this particular point... did ...

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how to save calculating result ( form two variable) in 2-D matrix ?
the problem is that the length of Ei will differ for the values of Eg. To solve this with for loop i preallocate 'aa' with NaN ...

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Réponse apportée
Is there any function other than Fsolve to solve systems of nonlinear equations ????
the problem certainly has not converged as y is still jumping up and down, so there is some problem... for a start, you shou...

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Réponse apportée
finding turning points of a dataset
take the difference between each two points in the vector (use 'diff') evaluate if these numbers 'grow faster'. Im not sure w...

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Réponse apportée
why is the fminsearch output depending upon the initial guess?
try increasing the accuracy (set TolFun, TolX at smaller values, ie. 1e-12) scaling the problem might also help (such that th...

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Réponse apportée
Fsolve : I want to give a condition which is something should be bigger than something, how can I do it?
you could also use fmincon. have a look at it then you have to make the objective pl^2, and you can supply the constraints se...

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