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removing an entire row
grace = s(s(:,3)~="fred",:)

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How to trigger an App Designer UI component's callbacks programatically, like `notify()`
Do you want to do this in the scope of testing, or to reuse the functionality of the button callback? For the former, look at m...

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How to implement an API REST POST in Matlab
Look at either: weboptions('RequestMethod','post') or doc webwrite

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2d interpolation of n-dimensional data
You can just change the Values of one scatteredInterpolant object. It won't have to redo the expensive underlying triangulation...

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Why does this example from MathWorks work on Windows but not on Mac?
which -all plot It's not win v. mac but that you've shadowed plot on the failing machine.

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which one is better?deep learning toolbox or matconvnet
Matconvnet hasn't been updated in 3 years. Deep Learning Toolbox has dozens of full time staff working on it, improving it, and...

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How to become a staff if you are among the big potatos of mathworks in the answer community?
Hi Wan Ji, I'd be happy to refer you to a MathWorks position. I got my referral from someone who observed me answering questio...

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Pattern Search Stopping Criteria
You can use an outputfcn for this. The output function can pass back a stop flag. https://www.mathworks.com/help/releases/R202...

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Calling MATLAB class functions from Python with matlab.engine
MWE works for me. Specify nargout, and make sure your directories are on the path (strongly recommend using Projects for this, ...

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uitable with latex or greek letters
You could use a uihtml component with an embedded table. Of course this table will not be interactive, but if it's for display ...

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Set value for elements within a polygon
Something along this line will work too. Note, you may need to deal with x/y v. row/col indexing (swap meshgrid for ndgrid). d...

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How to create a map mask using coordinates
What is your end goal? You need to project lat and lon into cartesian coordinates. From there, you can use poly2mask. The res...

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My code runs as a m file but not as an exe. What to do?
This answer explains it: How can I compile a pre-trained neural network into a standalone application using the MATLAB Compiler...

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Aerospace toolbox: “Unable to resolve the name” error
which -all Aero.FixedWing

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How to have multiple lines in a table variable name?
t = table(1,'VariableNames',"hello"+newline+"world") t(1, "hello"+newline+"world") Not sure why you'd want this though?

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Run reinforcement learning Agent on raspberry
You won't want to compile the MEX file to run on the Pi because it requires MATLAB. Instead generate code and recompile it for ...

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Is there a MATLAB package manager?
Right now there is no package manager like the ones you listed in that everything in MATLAB is tied to the path. Using MATLAB A...

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I need to run this python code in MATLAB. Can anyone guide me, please?
Why not use MATLAB's native MODBUS support? MODBUS Communication - MATLAB & Simulink (mathworks.com)

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ga optimization share variable between constraint and objective function to reduce computational time
All of your constraints are simple arithmetic. I think you could solve this much more quickly and effectively as a mixed intege...

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Matlab Forecast Report Example File
Hi Ian, You can email me at: char(matlab.net.base64decode("c2Rld29sc2tAbWF0aHdvcmtzLmNvbQ==")) and I'll get you the files.

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How do you add a header to a printed figure?
You can use the MATLAB Report Generator to build sophisticated reports with whatever formatting, chapters, sections, etc. you ne...

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How to shift all the non-zero elements of a matrix to the right of the matrix?
Without loop or cells: x = [1 2 3 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 3 1 2]; xt = x.'; sxr = sort(logical(xt), 1, ...

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Trouble with jsondecode() and jsonencode()
fprintf(fid,"%s",str2) That way if there are format spec characters in the JSON they are not interpretted as such.

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How can I create a standalone application using my model from Regression Learner?
You need to get the data into the compiled app. Typically with compiling to an executable this would be by passing in a file na...

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TiledLayout fill with for loops
f = figure; t = tiledlayout(f,5,3); for ii = 1:15 nexttile(t) plot(sin(1:(ii*10))) end

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Is it possible to vectorize this?
A = [1 2 0 3 4 6; 9 3 4 0 9 5; 4 3 0 5 6 7; 3 7 7 3 0 0;1 1 8 8 4 8; 0 0 0 0 4 2; 0 0 0 0 0 0] B = accumarray(repmat((1:height(...

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How to add graph in the template used for report generation
The plot can go into any block hole you have in the template. You can use mlreportgen.dom.Image or mlreportgen.report.Figure to...

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What MATLAB functions are underappreciated?
onCleanup - I want to reliably do this thing at the end... I've actually gotten to the point that I will pass these (or cell ar...

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What MATLAB functions are underappreciated?
tempname/tempdir - Need to write something and guarantee write permissions on any platform...

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What MATLAB functions are underappreciated?
mfilename I use this all of the time for building relative file or folder paths. I want currentProject().RootFolder to replace ...

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