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Making a list from two arrays
How about this? A = 'abcd'; B = [1 2 3 4]; fid = fopen('my_txt_file','w'); s = []; for i = 1:numel(A) s =...

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When zooming, 3D plotted data exceeds uipanel extent despite axes being clipped
I'm working with a GUI which has a number of uicontrols as well as a set of axes. I would like the user to be able to zoom in on...

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How do I update my slider using an edit text?
To make the slider update when the editbox is updated, put the update code in the editbox callback function myEditBox_Callb...

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Evan, if I want to return back
Disclaimer: Not having experience with GAs myself, I can offer something that will make what you're wanting to do work, but I ha...

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Dear all , I still need an answer
Is this what you mean? x = [0011741667,0003913892,0014488700,0008746350,0000349066]; s = regexprep(sprintf('%011.6f', ...

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Image analysis on multiple images
You can use *uigetfile* to load in multiple images at once help uigetfile If the images are all of the same resolution, ...

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Assign rename of structure with input command
You could use the *eval* command to do this, but *eval* can be problematic and usually should be avoided. If you were fine with ...

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how to sum matrics inside a cell array?
Are all the matrices in your cell array the same size? If so, this should work: % Get random cell array with n cells. Here ...

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creating numerical values from parts of a string read
Another option, using a lookaround operator. A = '0(07/24/2014 10:39:10.21304)' s = regexp(A,'(?<=:)\d+\.\d+','match'); ...

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How can I plot two arrays with different number of columns in one figure with different colours?
Is this what you mean? A = [1:100;rand(1,100)]; % random example data B = [1:4;3*rand(1,4)]; plot(A(1,:),A(2,:),'-g',...

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image processing using Matlab
*For your first question:* Is this strictly for appearances? If so, does *medfilt2* do what you want? rawImg = rgb2gray(i...

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How to display warning message withing while loop?
How exactly do you want to display the warning message? Do you want a dialog box to appear? Do you just want a message to appear...

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Indices to zeros in Matrix
[r,c] = find(A == 0) returns in r and c the row and column indices of *every single zero in the array*. Therefore, you're going ...

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Read set framents of string.
>> s = 'abcdefghR12X478Y124'; >> X = str2double(regexp(s,'(?<=X)\d+','match')) X = 478 >> Y = str2double(regexp...

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How to count the number of coins in a image using erosion operator?
You might find Image Analyst's blobs demo to be helpful: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/25157-image-segment...

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How to convert a 1D vector in number?
>> barcode = [8 9 0 2 0 8 0 0 1 1 4 4 5]; >> n = polyval(barcode,10) n = 8902080011445 Or, without polyval: ...

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Displaying Files using a Listbox in a GUIDE GUI.
Where exactly are you running into trouble? Posting your relevant code so far might help. As for displaying the files in the lis...

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indexing cell array of arrays
cellfun(@(x)x(1:K),C,'uni',0) %Where C is your original cell array

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How to load MAt file into 3D matrix
The answer can be found in the documentation of the *load* function: _S = load(FILENAME) loads the variables from a MAT-file ...

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how can i simplify this for loop?
Here's how you can get rid of the nested loops: a = []; for i = 1:2 x(1:5) = i; y(1:5) = (1:5) + 1; t = ...

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How do I preallocate this loop?
Here is the loop with preallocation: z = zeros(5,1) % preallocation for i = 1:1:5 z(i) = x(zipfind - 1 + i); ...

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Read data from string
>> x='abc123(xyz456)'; >> regexp(x,'(?<=\().+(?=\))','match') ans = 'xyz456' This command uses <http://www.ma...

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How can I display the mirror image of text in a textbox?
Have you tried downloading and installing one of the "backwards" fonts available on many font sites and setting the 'FontName' p...

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Problem including tolerance and finding value of a certain term
If you're checking for a certain tolerance, you can, after each iteration, see if the value of your most recently calculated ter...

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Code formatting in the forum
Is there any way to have two levels of permissions for editing another user's question? At the moment, assuming there are no use...

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Find number of zeros in a part of a matrix
A = [1 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 0 3 0 0 4 5 6 7 0 0 8]; numZeros = sum(~A(5:10));

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How to repopulate popupmenu by deleting old data.
set(popup_handle,'String','') That should do the trick.

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how to print output in gui
You could create a editbox in a figure and display the value there: Example: fh = figure; prompt = {1 3}; eh = uic...

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Problem with a matlab question
There are multiple ways you can do this. The first involves a *for loop* and, while it might require more lines of code, is prob...

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importdata vs xlsread to read an excel file
If you want to find out, try timing the operation of each function: tic; xlsread('my_file.xlsx'); toc tic; importdat...

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