Réponse apportée
Extracting Data from an Array of Arrays using a Loop?
Hi Kylen, To make sure I understand correctly .... at the end of the processing you have a variable called 'out' and it is an a...

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Réponse apportée
How to use previous answer in new calculation n times
A=[0.3 -0.2; -0.6 0.8]; B=[-14;2]; x=[1;2]; sys = ss(A,B,eye(2),0,-1); y = lsim(sys,ones(11,1),0:10,x); % y0 = x %y...

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Réponse apportée
Frequency response of a system operating at a fixed frequency
Hi Alberto, Conceptually, what you're doing is correct (though there are other alternatives to the input signal). Keep in mind ...

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Réponse apportée
Designfilt and bandstopfir adds +320dB for some reason
Hi Andres, I don't have a complete answer, just an observation. Here's the original design with order 301 filterObject1 = des...

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hey so i need to repeat the code everytime to see and analyze the time responses for 20 different values of k. How can i do it at once and have the output for all the values?
Or use a model array plant = tf(20,[1 1 5]); k = realp('k',1); sys = feedback(k*plant,1); sysarr = sampleBlock(sys,'k'...

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Réponse apportée
Even & Odd Discrete time Signals
Matlab doesn't support zero or negtaive indices, so it won't be possible to implement this operation using ordinary vector index...

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Réponse apportée
Digital filter with lowpass, then filtfilt: different output
lowpass calls filtfilt (or executes code equivalent to filtfilt) only if the underlying filter is IIR. If it's FIR, as in the qu...

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Réponse apportée
Assertion block does not stop simulation if I run the model with "sim" function
According to this doc page, pausing a simualtion while it's running is not supported when using the sim command. If in your act...

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Réponse apportée
HELP! Error using plot Vectors must be the same length. Error in Doc (line 94) plot(t, y);
Hi Matheus, The explanation for the error is that the fftm function is doing a "one-sided" FFT, hence it returns an output with...

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Réponse apportée
Scaling of Filter Coefficients in "fir1" function
For a FIR filter H(z) = b0 + b1*z^-1 + b2*z^-2 .... + b_n*z^(n-1) its frequency response is H(w) = b0 + b1(exp(-1j*w) + b2*e...

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Réponse apportée
The real implementaion of the C2D function "Control Systems Toolbox"
Hi Youssef, There are two files named c2d.m which -all c2d I believe the code listed in the question is of the former. The la...

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Réponse apportée
How does one solve equations between symbolic functions for functions
Maybe isolate is the solution ... syms z(t) theta(t) r eqn = z(t)-r*sin (theta(t)) == 0 z(t) = rhs(isolate(eqn,z(t)))

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Why Does numel() Accept More than One Argument?
@doc:numel indicates that the function accepts only a single argument. But it can be called with more than one argument and it r...

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Réponse apportée
Force symbolic simplification to eliminate variable
Hi ludolfusexe, Try equationsToMatrix load ddddh_fun symvar(ddddh_fun) syms u % A*u = b [A,b] = equationsToMatrix(ddddh_fu...

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Réponse apportée
Band-pass filter extraction.
Hi Claudio, Start with the original code Inertial_period = 20.215; K1_period = 24; % K1 period (hours) M2_period = 12; In...

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Réponse apportée
How to make variables assigned to SimulationInput object accessible to a PostSimFunction when using parsim
Hi Afzal, I think that the simOut from the simulation being called with sim is the argument sent into the PostSimFcn. Does the ...

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Réponse apportée
Data type symfun (code problem)
Hi Patryk, Works o.k. here. What version of Matlab are you using? syms x f(x) = x^(3/5) * (4 - x)^(1/3); df(x) = diff(f(x));...

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Réponse apportée
UAV Toolbox - Reference Frame Definition
In reference to the example on the linked page, I assume the waypoints are specified in the waypoint trajectory reference frame....

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Réponse apportée
Fourier Series,Spectral Analysys
Define the function over one period T0 = 1; % period f0 = 1/T0; syms t s(t) = rectangularPulse(.2,0.8,t); figure fplot(s(t...

2 mois il y a | 1

Réponse apportée
Read excel data in Simulink and convert it into an array
Add the line coder.extrinsic('readmatrix'); at the top of the Matlab Function after the %#codegen directive. Or, read in the ...

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Why Does dcm2angle Work Like This?
Suppose I have a direction cosine matrix, brought to my attention by a colleague C = round(angle2dcm(-pi/2,-pi/2,0,'ZYX')) Ext...

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Réponse apportée
simulink -sinx integral
Hi 승표, It's not really an offset. The Integrator block parmameter 'Initial Condition' is set to zero, which corresponds to sett...

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Réponse apportée
How can I get the energy of a wave?
Hi Li-Wun, This answer may be what's needed. If not, feel free to post back here with follow-up questions, preferably with exam...

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Réponse apportée
Obtaining a dataset from bandpass function
Hi Patrik, Is the output argument 'y' from bandpass the filtered time signal that is needed?

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Réponse apportée
Building symbolic expression with vars from vector
Hi ludolfusexe, It looks like the original code was attempting to use j as a index into an array, but symbolic variables are ne...

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Réponse apportée
when i want to get magnitude of vector in command window told me that index exceeds matrix dimensions. although i write true code
Code works here v=[1 2 3 9 6] pp=v.^2 Rr=sum(pp) mag=sqrt(Rr) disp(mag) Check norm(v) Perhaps you have variable(s) named...

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Réponse apportée
Cross-correlation in frequency domain and xcorr2 in MATLAB
Hi Shy, Assuming that the output of the xcorr2 is the expected result, it can be obtained with the changes below img1 = imread...

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Réponse apportée
how to solve this problem?
Hi Federico, According to the nlssest, the variable names in the input and output time tables have to macth the InputName and O...

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Réponse apportée
Difficulty in Calculating Signal Frequency with an Offset
Hi Raphael, The first point in the FFT is always the sum of the elements of the input. When the signal includes the offset, the...

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Réponse apportée
I am getting different values of fft for the same variable as demonstrated by a simple example below...
I think you were expecting ES be equal to the first column of EF. If desired for fftshift to work along a specific dimension of...

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