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Please I need help on Translating the following formulae into statements: 1) V=10(1− e0.2t ) (2) y =[e3t +t2 sin(4t)]cos2 (3t) Assume t as the row vector
t = 0:0.1:10; x = 10*exp(-0.5*t).*sin(3*t+2); y =exp(3*t)+t.^2 .* sin(4*t).*(cos(3*t)).^2 v = 10*(1-exp(0.2*t))

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I keep getting the error using '/'.

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Indexing Error Using 'dsolve'
syms t k1 k2 M A0 A(t) dA_dt = 1 * (20 - A) - 3 * diff(A,t) == 0; % Solving for A(t) with different initial conditions A_s...

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I wrote a piece of code about Calculating the Enthalpy of H2, O2, and Water and the machine reports the error "Array indices must be positive integers or logical values".
R = 8.314; % Ideal Gas Constant T = 300 : 50 : 1000; % Temperature range from 300 K to 1000 K with increments of 50 % Create T...

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How to workaround this problem with angle?
You have real and imaginary componens for variable Fi, so use only real angles %total range of omega delta_omega=20; %interv...

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Error that X is used but not initalized.
syms I O = 14.6*10^(-3)*I % define this way O(I) = 14.6*10^(-3)*I

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pause() function not running in realtime
dt = 0.05 change the timestep size and try

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Why the last err is a row vector of all zeros instead of a single zero?
clear;clc u=[1 2 0.1 0.2 3 4 30 40 50 60]; b=[1.1 1.2 0.11 0.21 33 44 31 41 51 61]; a1 = u(1:2); r1 = u(3:4); f1 = ...

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equation code not getting right answer
% Given values %AInfinity = 1; %AInlet = 6.5; MInlet = 0.5; MInfinity = 2; gamma = 1.4; a = (1 + ((gamma-1)/2)* MInfinit...

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A répondu
How to apply loop on following case?
Try using the cell array for the testdata you gave data = load('datatest.mat'); X_p = {data.IP_OPT, data.IS_OPT, data.RH_OPT}...

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A répondu
the matrix only works till days= 16 then when the days=17 or bigger the output is 0 on all the values in the matrix
Cn = 0.7; % Clearance index I0 = 1353; % Solar constant latitude = -34.005133; % Latitude of the location...

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Any way to remove the for loop and make the code more efficient here?
N=400; pair = rand(10,4); [I,J] = meshgrid(1:N,1:N); for r = 1:10 n = pair(r,1); m = pair(r,2); p = pair(r,3);...

environ 2 mois il y a | 1

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trrapz function not working in matlab R2023b, how can I fix this?
totalA = trapz(x,lift,1);

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str2double with long string seems to give wrong answer

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Plotting multiple figures using subplot
subplot(3,2,1) plot(rand(2),rand(2)); title('figure 1') subplot(3,2,2) plot(rand(2),rand(2));title('figure 2') subplot(3,2,3...

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A répondu
Need help with resolving the error sym>tomupad
<https://in.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/310042-how-to-convert-symbolic-expressions-to-transfer-functions> Go through ...

2 mois il y a | 0

A répondu
File processing dat file returns error
data.Var5 = [];

2 mois il y a | 2

A répondu
Centigrade to Fahrenheit Converter doesn't work properly
C = 40; %input('Input the temperature in Celsius that you want to convert to Farenheit:'); C2F(C) function F = C2F(C) F = 1...

2 mois il y a | 0

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A répondu
MATLAB for loop and nested if commands
v = [6, 3, -9, 10, 5, 0, -8, 11, -5]; for k = 1:length(v) if mod(v(k),2)== 0 & v(k) > 0 v(k) = v(k)/2; el...

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A répondu
How to use fprintf function to display information properly?
clear; clc; close all; r=10:5:20 h=6:6:30; dvolume=pi.*r.^2.*h'; minvol= 10; %input('Enter the minimum acceptable volume in ...

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A répondu
The distance traveled by a ball falling in the air is given by the equation x = x_{0} + v_{0}*t + 1/2 * a * t ^ 2
Here is another simple way to find the position t = 0:0.01:10; % consider a time vector for ball displacement (say 10s) x0 =...

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A répondu
Why matlab is not some varriables within loops
Hi @okoth ochola, You need to sum the operation over entire array f1 inside the for loop r=0.1 R=10 T=10 t=[1:0.1:10]';...

2 mois il y a | 0

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How do I create a variable H which contains the product of 5 and the values of B in the 1st and 9th rows, and the 1st and 2nd column.
Do you mean like this ? B=rand(randi([10 20]),randi([5 30])); H = 5*kron(B([1,9]),B([1,2]).')

2 mois il y a | 1

A répondu
Error when multiplying an evaluated function
N = 100; L = 1; node = linspace(0,L,N+1); nodes = linspace(0,L,1000*(N+1)); elem = zeros(N,2); for e = 1:N elem(e,1) =...

2 mois il y a | 0

A répondu
How do I create a row vector P, that contains the sum of the values in column 2 and the sum of the values in column 5 of matrix B.
B = rand(randi([10,20]),randi([5,30])) P = sum(B(:,[2,5]))

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A répondu
How do I graphic
eqn = @(x) (-3+3*x)./x <= 0 fplot(eqn,[-5 5])

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I am trying to assign a pattern of alphabets to a sequence of alphabets that I have.
seq_file = fopen('insulinDNAseq.txt'); template5_3 = fscanf(seq_file,'%s'); seq_len = length(template5_3); template3_5 = [fli...

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A répondu
How can I solve Inecuations
syms x real eqn = (3-3*x)/x <= 0 sol = solve(eqn,x)

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How to compare these two strings?
try using strcmp function FilteredCIV = CIV(strcmp(CIV.SYMBOL,UnderlyingSymbols.SYMBOL(1)),:); % try using strcmp

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Manipulate elements in a matrix based on a mathematical condition using logical indexing
A = rand(26,500) % zeros() just used for illustration condition = ( A(26,:) - A(1,:) ) < 0.01; A(:,condition) = A(1); A

2 mois il y a | 0

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