Réponse apportée
Running Simulink Model in for loop
I think overall the concept of Model referencing might be of value to you (https://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/model-referen...

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I get an error every time I try to connect simulink to the arduino motor encoder included in the engineering kit.
Use this version of the hardware support instead - https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/68620-arduino_engineerin...

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I receive the following error message when trying to open the Arduino Engineering Kit library in Simulink
Thanks Nicholas for catching this bug. I did the following and fixed the errors - 1) remove the arduinosensorlib reference i...

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A soumis

Controlling a robotic arm from anywhere using IoT
This submission contains all the files needed to control a robotic arm using Simulink, Arduino and ThingSpeak

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Réponse apportée
(Simulink) How can I communicate with hardware (Arduino, Raspberry Pi, I2C, etc.) in real time?
Here is my attempt to answer the questions that you have - 1) MCUs such as Arduino cannot run "hard" real-time as they do no...

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while trying to install the Simulink Support Package for Arduino Hardware for Matlab 2018a, I always come across this statement "There was a problem downloading the support package. To resolve this issue, see this MATLAB Answer'' what's the solution
Here is what I found - https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/285833-why-do-i-receive-the-error-there-was-a-problem-...

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How can I change the resolution of ''Arduino 2'' from 10 to 12 bit using Matlab?
As of now there is no equivalent from MATLAB support package for Arduino. Here is what I found out for Simulink https://www.math...

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where is the "build" button in code generation?
I know that the naming convention changed from Build to Deploy to Hardware sometime around 15a - 17a (not sure off the top of my...

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Réponse apportée
Updating server code on board Nano3 (COM5). Please wait. How can I solve this?
Create a serial object in MATLAB for the port you are writing data to via your Arduino Sketch. Go through this list of functions...

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Réponse apportée
I couldnt install Raspberry Pi support package
If you are indeed the administrator of your computer, then you can open MATLAB with administrator access to avoid this issue. I...

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Réponse apportée
[HELP] How to pass DHT22 data from Arduino to Simulink?
Here is a link that I found - https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/95399-why-is-the-build-process-failing-for-a-shipp...

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Réponse apportée
How to import JRodrigoTech/HCSR04 in arduino library
1. Download the zip file from https://github.com/JRodrigoTech/Ultrasonic-HC-SR04/archive/master.zip 2. Unpackage the zip into ...

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Réponse apportée
I am officially lost with S-Function builder
The S-function builder approach is quite old and a little difficult, however if you are really set on using that here is a video...

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Need help on "###Failed to generate binary output" when deploy to hardware on simulink. Anyone know how to solve this?
Since you are using MATLAB R2017b, I would recommend you to uninstall this support (which was essentially for older versions of ...

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Réponse apportée
How can I analyze memory usage of model simulation
When you download the model to the hardware (I have seen this in Arduino and I am guessing it is similar to RPi), View Diagnosti...

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Réponse apportée
Uninstall/Reinstall Raspberry Pi support package problem
Try the Manage Add-Ons workflow. Go to MATLAB toolstrip and click on Add-Ons and select Manage Add-Ons. Here uninstall the Simul...

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when using my arduino engineeging kit
Type listArduinoLibraries in MATLAB Command Window. This should return something with the {'Arduino/MKRMotorCarrier'} in the ...

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Réponse apportée
Arduino MKR1000 + Simulink external mode over WiFi
Simulink support package requires the WiFi 101 library to be a specific version - 0.14.3 . Type winopen(arduinoio.IDERoot) if y...

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Can I upload program to arduino using matlab only?.
The current workflow from MATLAB to Arduino is - You upload a server sketch which will make your Arduino respond to requests to ...

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Réponse apportée
Simulink external mode MKR1000 unrecognized board and changing driver when error occurs
If you put the MKR1000 in bootloader mode manually (double pressing the reset button), this *could* help get the COM port number...

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Réponse apportée
Arduino program convert in MATLAB program?
Is this the resource you are looking for? <https://www.mathworks.com/help/supportpkg/arduinoio/ug/add-lcd-library.html> I...

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Swing is not available in Mac High Sierra
I would recommend you reach out to MathWorks Technical support to get accurate information regarding different issues you are ru...

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Réponse apportée
Arduino simulink MATLAB function error
Try using the Ultrasonic sensor block in this submission - https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/66568-arduino-en...

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Réponse apportée
I want to send a matrix to arduino by matlab but i m unable to open the serial port. using command 'instrfind' i get the status of com3 as close. so fopen() command doesnt execute it gives an error message (Open failed: Port: COM3 ). what to do now?
Clearing the workspace is not sufficient to delete existing connections. Try >> delete(instrfindall) This should delet...

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Réponse apportée
Arduino Mega 2560 cannot read sensor using I2C block in simulink
Based on this link here - https://playground.arduino.cc/Main/MPU-6050#short It looks like there is some sort of wake up code...

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Réponse apportée
How to use Arduino built in millis() function inside statechart? or other timer function...
According to this page - https://www.mathworks.com/help/stateflow/ug/using-temporal-logic-in-state-actions-and-transitions.html ...

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Réponse apportée
getpoints function is not saving variables outside of loop
Once you have ran the for loop, without closing the figure try running the following command outside of the for loop. [timeL...

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Réponse apportée
HC-SR04 Add-On Library for Arduino not working
For these addons to work there are two requirements - 1) You place the 3P libraries in the accurate folder - C:\ProgramData...

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A soumis

"How to program a raspberry pi based Walkie Talkie using MATLAB and Simulink" Webinar Files
Demo files from "How to program a Raspberry Pi based WalkieTalkie using MATLAB and Simulink" webinar

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A soumis

Heart Rate Detection using Arduino and MATLAB demo files
Demo files used in the video 'Heart Rate Detection using Arduino and MATLAB'

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