Réponse apportée
Summing and multiplying matrices of different size
Check that you get what you expect from each product and term separately. Then figure out what you should do to fix your discrep...

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Unexpected phase delay via cross-correlation ? Method issue or bad data?
The phase-jump is just the branch-cut of angle (or atan2). As a measure of phase-shift between 2 harmonic signals it is equivale...

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Réponse apportée
How do I plot a Poincare plot for a non-autonomous ODE's?
This sound like a perfect example of when one should use the events capabilities of the ODE-solvers. If you look at the code of ...

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Réponse apportée
How to get average of data using different time range?
QD-suggestion (from someone too lazy/stupid/old/stubborn to learn to use arrayfun): Temperature = randi([-20 40], 24*365, 1); %...

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Réponse apportée
Parse 1 large column of uneven data into an array of columns by nth rows.
If your file contains an equal number of samples for every "loop" and the files contains data from full "loops". Then something ...

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Réponse apportée
Grid colormap with colorized circles
Something like this shouldn't be too complicated to cook up. Perhaps this is a start: function h = cwheel(x0,y0,phi0,r,nspokes)...

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Réponse apportée
Reconstructing a surface from mesh points and function values (from COMSOL)
Are you sure that you need to use scatteredInterpolant at all? The points in the first plot seem to be on a regular grid. If tha...

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Réponse apportée
Unable to find explicit solution
This looks like an attempt to derive and solve equations of motion with Euler-Lagrange equations. If that's the case there are t...

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Unable to understand how to use the function given on the site below
files with the extension .gz are typically compressed with gzip, that use the Lempel-Ziv coding. The most effective way to handl...

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Réponse apportée
How to implement this kind of coding ?
You while-loop will continue as long as the test-condition is true. You want to continue "a couple" of iterations after your des...

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Converting multiple lines into separate equations from jpeg?
In similar situations I typically separate the problem into two steps, first extracting the curves, then fit parameters for equa...

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How can I transform this curved wall to a flat wall without any distortions in the image? Is there any code available for it?
Sure thing. First assume that all bricks are flat bricks of exactly the same size. Then identify the edges of each brick in the ...

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Réponse apportée
griddata vs griddedinterpolant vs scatteredInterpolant for given data
griddedinterpolant expects points on a regular grid pretty much like interp2 - so that function seems unsuitable for your case. ...

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Réponse apportée
pcolor LOOP of current speed and a map of the area.
If you take care of the handle you get from pcolor you should be able to do something like this: H = pcolor(...) % Initial pl...

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Réponse apportée
Optimise vertical position of nodes for shortest sum of paths
If this is a one-off calculation just brute-force search shouldn't be too bad, the y-position of the nodes should be within a sm...

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Réponse apportée
Installation on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS finished but there is no Matlab
To me this sounds like you forgot to create a link to the executable from a directory on your path. Here's how I check where I h...

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Réponse apportée
Diffraction pattern of plane wave through Circular Aperture
Your first problem is surely that all your variables are 1-D arrays and it seems you still only model some kind of linear apertu...

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Réponse apportée
Remove specific contours or make them invisible
The easiest way is to continue with the algorithm where you save the level-2-contours with a level one contour inside. Then you ...

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Réponse apportée
Find two contours at different levels around the same peak
You could (QD algorithming-from-the-hip) use the contour-coordinates in c1 and c2. Typically I find it easiest to break them con...

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Réponse apportée
How to set the name with num2str in for loop?
Perhaps it is as simple as: for k = 1:1000 % assign the content of the file directly to variable A: A = load(['cp_',n...

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Réponse apportée
Errorbar plot in colormap
You might get away with putting the errorbar-call in a loop. Perhaps something like this: figure(); clf box on hold on cmp ...

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What is the Fourier Series Coefficient of F=exp(sin(x))?
Might I be so bold as to suggest (physicist writing about calculus here...) that this task ought to have some clever analytical ...

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How to use ode45 efficiently on a large input vector
If the ODE-system you're trying to solve is something like a set of independend equations of motion that only couple "pairwise" ...

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Réponse apportée
for loop, in irregular numbers clusters?
You will have these lists of "todos" and "not-todos" from somewhere outside, since, as you write, you can't type down all the nu...

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How can I find dip direction and a dip of a plane with known normal vectors?
Some corrections you might consider are: load('artificial_slope.txt') %loading data % defining input values based of input txt...

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Réponse apportée
Automatically define anonymous functions.
You can solve this problem using matlabFunction to generate a function-handle: C=[-1,1,1+1/4*i,-1+1/4*i]; syms x; f=@(x) x.^2...

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Multiple Plots in One Iterative Script
If you want all the points for each iteration in the 2 figures, then you will have to insert a hold on after each plotting comma...

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what precautious should i follow before upgrading to higher matlab version?
Read the release-notes. Check if your (most used) functions and programmes warns about "functionality will be removed" when you ...

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Coordinate Systems for using Camera Calibration
Think of it this way: Each pixel (u,v) in the image are capturing light along some line in 3-D. You can write that line as: H...

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How to setup the colormap by myself?
You can combine one row of white and the turbo colormap: cmp = [1,1,1;turbo]; colormap(cmp) This leaves the problem with the ...

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