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problem with my code please !!
Interesting, not sure how matlab 2016 handles this. I am getting a "Matrix dimensions must agree" error, and for good cause. ...

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4th order Runge kutta with system of coupled 2nd order ode MATLAB need help i do not know where my algorithm gone wrong
Why are you dividing F_W by 20000? What kind of system is this? I think your ODEs are working fine, they are just reeeeeally sl...

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Plot a graph and its derivatives
You basically have it. The plot function format is "plot(x,y)" though, meaning x coordinates and y coordinates, so your version ...

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??? subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals
I have no problem running this code. You probably have a *variable called ss* somewhere which overshadows the function of the sa...

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how to deal with changing array name through function in matlab
This is not going to work. The reason is that your variable exists in a different workspace. As soon as you pass into a function...

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How find the best step for the array.
You need to decide whether you want equidistant steps, or matching numbers. I'm sure I'm missing something, but if you ju...

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Error using load Unable to read file 'templates'. Input cannot be a directory. Error in main (line 75) load templates
Hi This is what the error says: In your script in line 75, you are trying to load "templates". You also have a directory c...

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How do I refresh the image shown on gui, after a selection is made in the colormap popup menu by the user?
try calling drawnow() after having set the new color.

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How to go back a time step and recalculate it again in Simulink
How are you checking it at the moment? Maybe this would work: The integrators in simulink have an inbuilt "condition check...

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Why doesn't the color vector work here?
Try grey=[1 1 1]*0.8; % grid colour

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I dont know how to fix MILP error
I'm afraid so, yes. Two main points: 1. The function to minimize has to be linear one (hence the name linear program) and has...

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Error using ode15s - Not enough input arguments.
Hi ode15s, like all Matlab ode functions, requires the function to be of the form y' = f(t,y). Your function f_ASM has 3 para...

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Butterworth filtering with bandpass and 3. order
You understood the documentation correctly. Intuitively, bandpass and bandstop filters are symmetric around their cutoff freq...

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How to perform matrix pencil operations on matlab? Is there a toolbox or a function?
Do you just need to evaluate a matrix pencil? You can just write your own little function. Let's say you want to compute the ...

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Inverse distance weighting on scatter data sets in matlab
I think you should ask yourself first why you want to use this method. What does the method do? What are it's advantages / disad...

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Percentage of Days out of 21
Since matlab allows using logicals as integers, you can just count the number of (entries > 0) and divide it by the length of th...

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how to plot m(t)=cos(2*pi*9*t) 0<t<3 and m(t)=0 otherwise
You can use logical vectors to select certain parts of a vector. t = -1:0.01:4; m = zeros(length(t),1); ind_interest ...

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manipulation d'une matrice
I'm afraid your chances for an answer are probably quite slim if you pose the question in French. I will answer in English for e...

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Binary sequence from a vector to a variable
But a IS the binary sequence save in a variable? If you want to transform this into some decimal representation of the same digi...

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Is there a built-in GUI for PCA (Principal Componente Analysis)?
There is a PCA option in the "Classification Learner" App.

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How do i pass atrendline through zero?
You need to set up your regression accordingly. If you don't want a y offset, you could just normalize your data, i.e. remove th...

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what command can I use to draw the flux lines?
You can use _quiver_ to plot vector fields.

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How i can simulate a mass-spring-damper system with variable mass?
You should be able to include the changing mass either in the function, or then through odeset, but I am not sure if you did it ...

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How do I perform a mathematical operation on the data and the axis of a .*fig, such as re-scaling?
For plotting, Matlab displays everything according to data points, i.e. it doesn't anything about the underlying function. It yo...

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Problems animating a surf plot.
The code runs without error. I was not quite sure what you were trying to plot in 3D. I mean, you have one nx x nt matrix. If y...

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How can i optimize my code without a for-loop ?
How about this? With 100k rows, I get old version: 0.90 s new version: 0.01 s m = [0 0 m0]; %m0 is a constant R_rec = ...

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How can I plus two or more strings?
Version 1: You can concatenate two strings like matrix elements, i.e. str1 = 'Person A '; str2 = 'Person B '; str ...

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Help plotting two lines on same graph
Call "hold on" after the first plot. Also, you could use the "line" function instead of "plot" here if you like.

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Im trying to create a code that will create a matrix with gaps depending on the input sequences
Hi Do you need P1 and P2? Or only W? Otherwise, I believe this would do the trick: beam=15; gap=10; N=10; total_ga...

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Isit possible to plot a graph with a contant variable?
Of course. Matlab simply needs to know where to "put the dots", it does not really know what the function "looks like". Be aw...

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