Réponse apportée
use for loop to create a big Array out of a few smale Ones
Thanks alot.....the reason i am using this kind of solution is.... well my program is far to complicated and i want this part to...

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use for loop to create a big Array out of a few smale Ones
HeyHo, i have create a function that gives me 9 subplots. Now I want to get all the y Values and write them into ONE big Array....

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Position of text objects ?
Hey Guys, It is possible to add some text to each Point, after u have plotted an Array. If u call not the children of the axe...

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Réponse apportée
regenerate Array name form Plot (Important Question)
Thanks for your suggestions. I guess i will save the PlotData wiht there names and prosperitys in my GUI. That will cause some c...

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Réponse apportée
help using Save and load function
I had this Problem once before (i guess). Try to save ur Variable in a *.mat* file and then load it again. Just try it. Loading ...

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regenerate Array name form Plot (Important Question)
Hey Guys, This is a very important question, which will decide the way I script my program.However it is quite simple. If i ...

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function handles to save data
I want to save the Output for every round my loop takes. The Problem; I need an handle and my m-file has no Objects. The Quest...

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Réponse apportée
nested function / Pass Data between 2 functions
1 Comment Adam on 13 Aug 2014 at 12:07 >>> I always forget exactly what are the fixed arguments you have to have for a callb...

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Réponse apportée
a Line to plot by using handles ?
Got it. Using Plot and hold on works not perfect but....it works

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Réponse apportée
a Line to plot by using handles ?
Still dont get it. I want to add a new PlotLine without using the Plot command. So i guess i need to create a new handle in the ...

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a Line to plot by using handles ?
Hey Guys, Monday Morning Question: I have got an array(1x40) holding new y-Data. Now I want to plot this data in an existing...

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Réponse apportée
nested function / Pass Data between 2 functions
Sorry for being such an idiot. My Job isnt easy .... Today i try to work on my knowledge about handles. But guys, is there any...

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Button Down fcn for Listbox
Hey Guys, I want to enable the buttondownfcn for my Listbox.Due to the fact that this code works only for the RightMouseButto...

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Réponse apportée
nested function / Pass Data between 2 functions
I am forced to use v2006a I have a solution using getappdata|setappdata. function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventda...

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nested function / Pass Data between 2 functions
So this is my exampple Code. Now, i want to know: how can i pass the variable "Number" from the 1st function into the 2nd one. (...

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replace one of many subplots
Hey Guys, Imagine the following situation: You have got an amount of subplots in one figure. With ur your GUI u took the da...

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Réponse apportée
get axis value of a subplot
When every handle represents one Point. How can I reach its value.

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Réponse apportée
get axis value of a subplot
Somehow this must be the case but actually i am ploting a few amount of Arrys into one axes. The x value is always the same and...

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Réponse apportée
get axis value of a subplot
Hey Azzi, hope u can help me one more time. ur code works perfect for every normal plot. But if i use it on my Plot, it show...

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deactivate ButtonDownFcn ? stupid question
Hey Guys, stupid Question: I have created a function(pushbutton) with the ButtonDownFcn to work with my Plot. Its task is to ...

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Réponse apportée
nested fnc / error:I nput argument "handles" is undefined.
Guys i have no idea how to do it

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chose a subplot (1 of 9)
Hey guys, again 9 subplots.... i want to chose one .... clear the figure and only plot the subplot i have chosen. For now i hav...

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nested fnc / error:I nput argument "handles" is undefined.
I have no idea what matlab is telling me. The Error : Input argument "handles" is undefined. The Code: Data = findo...

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Réponse apportée
get title of subplot back
function main Plot = figure set(Plot,'name','Plot','Tag','Plot','numbertitle','off'); for i = ...

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get title of subplot back
hey Guys, I have 9subplots in 1 figure and I want to give the User of my program the possibility to click of one subplot and g...

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Réponse apportée
Add lines to plot
if isempty( findobj('Tag','Plot')) == 1 Plot = figure set(Plot, 'Position', [306,200, 1610,1085]); ...

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Add lines to plot
Hey Guys, I have created a func. which plots me some Data. Inside my func. I use this code Plot = figure set(Plot, ...

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Réponse apportée
choose coulor of plot
i got it....and somehow i can accept my own answer

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Réponse apportée
CAT arguments dimensions are not consistent
The trick was: ListboxContent = {num2str(shot),' ','UsedAmplification'} so it becomes a String Array or an String Array...

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get Color/names of a subplot
A long time ago Azzi Abdelmalek (28 Jul 2014) showed me a way to get the x and y Values of any subplot.Now I need a way to get t...

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