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Find Adjacency Matrix
Graph is undirected. (s,t) in node pairs. Please, return full storage version of the matrix.(use _full(A)_ ) Input: s...

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Calculate geostrophic current
eta0=0.01; R=300; f=0.01; g=9.81; x=-500:50:500; y=-500:50:500; [x y]=meshgrid(x,y); eta=eta0*exp(-(x.^2+...

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Removing vibration!
There are [y] that vary with [x] but y including small useless vibration. x=1:10 y=[1.71 2.03 3.28 4.05 5.10 6.82 7.69 8.3...

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Upper Matrix Mock
Given a vector v=[1 3 6 9 11], turn it into a matrix 'ramp' like so: m=[1 3 6 9 11; 0 1 3 6 9; 0 0 1 3 6; 0 0 0 1...

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Increment a number, given its digits
Take as input an array of digits (e.g. x = [1 2 3]) and output an array of digits that is that number "incremented" properly, (i...

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Annoying population
Every year the number of annoying persons in the office triples Found the population, given a(0) and t

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Basics - not so easy division
Please make a function whcih divides x/y, but pay attention for some exceptions with NaN,0,Inf. Sometimes return "ERROR" instead...

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Calculate the square root of a number
Input a Output b = srt(a)

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generate the matrix
given 3 inputs e.g [2,3,4] -- generate a matrix like below -- [2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 0; 0 0...

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Create a magic square matrix for a given odd integer
A magic square of size 'N' is a matrix that satisfies the following criterias: # Dimension - NxN # Matrix should contain ALL...

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Find the repeating elements and repetitions of a row vector.
So let's say that x is a vector, for example, x = [4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7,8, 8, 8, 8] Now we want to get the following two ve...

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Pattern Sum
Write a function which receives two single digit positive integers, (k and m) as parameters and calculates the total sum as: k...

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Find the missing numbers.
Total *N* numbers are in the series of natural numbers ( *1,2,3,...,N* ). The input is an array (unsorted) of those natural num...

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Calcular la razón de proporcionalidad
Dadas dos magnitudes (a y b) en forma de vectores, crear una función que permita obtener la razón de proporcionalidad _*m*_ sólo...

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¿Es una parábola?
Dados los datos de las magnitudes _*x*_ e _*y*_, crear una función que permita conocer si se trata de una parábola o no, indican...

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¡Busca el extremo!
Crea una función que calcule el extremo de una parábola (máximo o mínimo absoluto) cuyos datos son proporcionados por el usuario...

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Perimeter of a semicircle
Given the diameter d, find the perimeter of a semicircle

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Datetime basics
Generate the datetime scalar representing the current date

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function to compute root mean square of first nn positive odd integers
Write a function called odd_rms that returns orms, which is the square root of the mean of the squares of the first nn positive ...

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Prime Product
My professor has given a sequence of N numbers as a1, a2, ..., aN and asked me to find the smallest possible value of ai * aj su...

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Counting Squares
An algorithm starts with a single square and on each of its next iterations adds new squares all around the outside as shown bel...

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Penny Distribution Machine
A machine consists of a row of boxes. To start, one places N pennies in the leftmost box. The machine then redistributes the pen...

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Calculate the square of a number (Super Easy)
The goal is to calculate the square (y) of a number (x). Good way to start MatLab for beginners.

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Cody problems in French : Trouvez la logique Pt.2
Trouvez la logique entre x et y, aidez-vous de la test suite. Bon courage. P.S: L'utilisation de "^" est de nouveau fortement...

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Homogeneous lines and points in 2D: problem 1
In high school we learn the line equation y = mx + c where m is the gradient and c is the intercept. However this form is prob...

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Cody Problems in French : Trouvez la logique Pt.1
On rentre x = 4 et il en sort y = 160. Trouvez la logique entre x et y, aidez-vous de la test suite. Bon courage. P.S: L'...

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Double the next!
Given two numbers, m and n, find a matrix m x n where each element value is twice the value of the previous element. Starting fr...

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Calculate Resistance
Calculate Resistance R of a linear conductor having resistivity p, length l and area A

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Invert a 3D rotation matrix
Given a 3D rotation matrix, belonging to the matrix group SO(3), compute its inverse without using the functions |inv()| or |pin...

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Plot Line Specifications
Create a line plot for function cos(x) where x is a vector of linearly spaced values going from 0 to input N with an increment o...

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