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Average Grade
Given a 1x5 vector presents the grades of a student on five tests. Calculate the average grade of that student.

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Add a vector to a matrix
Given a matrix |mat| of size |mXn| and a row vector |v| of size |1Xs|, return a matrix with |m+1| rows that conatains |mat| over...

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MATLAB Basic: rounding II
Do rounding nearest integer. Example: -8.8, answer -9 +8.1 answer 8 +8.50 answer 9

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MATLAB Basic: rounding IV
Do rounding towards plus infinity. Example: -8.8, answer -8 +8.1 answer 9 +8.50 answer 9

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Conversion from hours to mili sec
Convert given input in hours to mili seconds

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Convert radians to degrees
Given input in radians, output to degrees

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MATLAB Basic: rounding
Do rounding near to zero Example: -8.8, answer -8 +8.1 answer 8

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Combine the first and last names
MATLAB R2016 provides a rich set of functions to work with string arrays. In this problem, you will be given two string arrays o...

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Given a sequence of points forming a closed path (first and last points are coincident) return the perimeter value. For example...

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Signed Magnitude
For a given input vector, return the value that is furthest from zero. For example, if x = [1 2 -12] return -12.

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Matrix multiplication across rows
Given matrix m, return matrix n such that, rows of n are result of multiplication of the rows of the input matrix Example ...

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Basic commands - rounding
make a function which will round to integer, which is nearer to zero. Example x=[-2.5 2]; y=[-2 2];

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Some Assembly Required
The input to this function is a matrix of real numbers. Your job is to assemble the rows of the matrix into one large row that ...

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Removing rows from a matrix is easy - but what about inserting rows?
Assume A is a 5-by-5 matrix. A([2,4],:) = [] is a quick way to remove rows 2 and 4. Can you find a quick way to insert rows into...

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Operate on matrices of unequal, yet similar, size
You may want to add a vector to a matrix, implying that the vector is added to each column of the matrix. Or multiply a 3x4x5 ma...

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N-Dimensional Array Slice
Given an N-dimensional array, _A_, an index, _I_, and a dimension, _d_, return the _I_ th elements of _A_ in the _d_ dimension. ...

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Acid and water
⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖ Assume that there is a 100 liter tank. It is initially fi...

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Create an n-by-n null matrix and fill with ones certain positions
The positions will be indicated by a z-by-2 matrix. Each row in this z-by-2 matrix will have the row and column in which a 1 has...

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Symmetric matrix
You must create a n-by-n *symmetric* matrix such that A(row,col) = row/col for col >= row. Example if n =3 : output is : ...

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An asteroid and a spacecraft
&#128640 Imagine a non-relativistic simple situation. Assume positions p0, p1, p2, and p3 are three dimensional Cartesian ...

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Divisible by 5
Pursuant to the <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/42404-divisible-by-2 first problem> in this series, this o...

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Horizontal matrix sort
Given a matrix x with n rows and m columns, return a matrix y with n rows and 2m columns, such that every row in x is sorted fro...

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How many days in a month?
Return the number of days in a given month in 2017. If the input is not a valid month number, return -1. Examples: Input...

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5th Time's a Charm
Write a function that will return the input value. However, your function must fail the first four times, only functioning prope...

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Fibonacci-Sum of Squares
Given the Fibonacci sequence defined by the following recursive relation, * F_n = F_(n-1) + F_(n-2) * where F_0 = 0 and F_1 ...

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Make your own Test Suite (part 3)
In this task you need to imagine that you — _yes, YOU_ — have developed a problem on Cody for _me_ to solve, and now *you need t...

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Make your own Test Suite (part 1)
In this task you need to imagine that you — _yes, YOU_ — have developed a problem on Cody for _me_ to solve, and now *you need t...

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Make your own Test Suite (part 2)
In this task you need to imagine that you — _yes, YOU_ — have developed a problem on Cody for _me_ to solve, and now *you need t...

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Vertical matrix sort
Given a matrix x with n rows and m columns, return a matrix y with 2n rows and m columns, such that every column in x is sorted ...

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Write a function man that takes a row vector v and returns a matrix H as follows..
Write a function called man that takes a row vector v as an input and returns a matrix H whose first column consist of the eleme...

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