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Angle between Two Vectors
The dot product relationship, a dot b = | a | | b | cos(theta), can be used to determine the acute angle between vector a and ve...

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Area of rhombus
Calculate the rhombus area

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Integer or Float?
Test an input to see whether it is an integer or a floating point number. If it is an integer return 1 for 'true'. Otherwise ret...

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Relative ratio of "1" in binary number
Input(n) is positive integer number Output(r) is (number of "1" in binary input) / (number of bits). Example: * n=0; r=...

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Determine the length of a string of characters
Determine the length of a string of characters

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Polite numbers. N-th polite number.
A polite number is an integer that sums of at least two consecutive positive integers. For example _7 = 3+4_ so 7 is a polite...

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Simple date to serial no. conversion
Convert a date string to a serial date number. For example if you take x='19-May-2001' then the result is 730990 x...

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Calculate the area of a triangle between three points
Calculate the area of a triangle between three points: P1(X1,Y1) P2(X2,Y2) P3(X3,Y3) these three points are the vert...

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Sum all integers from 1 to 2^x
Given a number x, your function must return the summation of all integers from 1 to 2^x.

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Are you in XY plane?
Take a point P as an input position Vector (x,y,z). If you are in XY plane, return 1 as an output otherwise return 0. Example...

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Bit Reversal
Given an unsigned integer _x_, convert it to binary with _n_ bits, reverse the order of the bits, and convert it back to an inte...

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Project Euler: Problem 9, Pythagorean numbers
A Pythagorean triplet is a set of three natural numbers, a b c, for which, a^2 + b^2 = c^2 For example, 3^2 + 4^2 =...

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Sort complex numbers into complex conjugate pairs
Sort complex numbers into complex conjugate pairs. Example: Input x = [3-6i -1-4i -1+4i 3+6i] Sorted output = [-1 - ...

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Moving average (variable kernel length)
Find the moving average in a vector. The kernel length is a variable. For example x = 1:10 kernel_length = 2 would r...

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Generate the Matrix!
Given n, generate the following matrix: a = [ n n-1 n-2 ... 2 1; n-1 n-1 n-2 ... 2 1; n-2 n-2 n-2 ... 2 1;...

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Cumulative product of a vector
Cumulative product of a vector example x=[1 2 5 10], then answer must be [ 1 2 10 100] *If you like this prob...

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Evaluate Polynomial
Given a polynomial equation coefficients in a vector p, you have to return its value at x. Example: For inputs p and x ...

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Create an anti-identity matrix
Create an anti-identity matrix of given dimension. Examples n = 2 A = [0 1; 1 0] n = 3 A = [0 0 1; 0 1 0; 1 0 0...

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Check that number is whole number
Check that number is whole number Say x=15, then answer is 1. x=15.2 , then answer is 0. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whole...

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Find Out sum of principal diagonal element of given matrix
Find out sum of principal diagonal element of given matrix If A=[1 0 0; 0 1 0;0 0 1], then answer must be 3.

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Hard limit function
Classify x data as if x>=0 then y=1 if x<0 then y=0 Example x = [ -2 -1 0 1 2] y = [ 0 0 1 1 1]

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Find out total non zero element of matrix
Find out Non zero element of matrix A=magic(5) 17 24 1 8 15 23 5 7 14 16 4 6...

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Compute LOG(1+X) in natural log
Compute LOG(1+X) in natural log

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Product of Array
Given an array of numbers. Get the product of the array.

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Append two matrix as shown below example
Append two matrix as shown below example A=[1 2; 3 4] and B=[5 6;7 8] Answer must be 1 2 5 6 3...

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Tiling a matrix
Given a matrix and a number of columns, replicate matrix in a single row

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Find out value of sine given by degree.
Find out value of sine given by degree. If theta=30, it's value must be 0.5.

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Product of elements in row
Product of matrix such that a=[3 3 1] b=9

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Palindrome Check
Check whether the entire matrix is palindrome or not. Example matrix = [7 8 7] matrix_reverse = [7 8 7] So the mat...

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Special matrix
Make a square matrix with this shape. For n=4 M = 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 ...

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