A soumis

UICOMPONENT - expands uicontrol to all Java classes
Enhanced replacement for uicontrol & javacomponent, accepting all Java (Swing/AWT) style components

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A soumis

getundoc - get undocumented object properties
GETUNDOC returns a structure of undocumented properties (names & values) for the specified object

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display information about the code size of a given source file or project folder

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A soumis

ScrollPlot - scrollable X/Y axes
ScrollPlot adds a scroll sub-window to any supplied plot handles

environ 9 ans il y a | 10 téléchargements |


A soumis

ticklabelformat - set a dynamic format of axes tick labels
ticklabelformat sets the axes tick labels format. The format is preserved during zoom/pan/maximize

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A soumis

undecorateFig - remove/restore figure border and title bar
Removes/restores the border and title bar of Matlab figures

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A soumis

UIINSPECT - display methods, properties & callbacks of an object
Inspect an object handle (Java/COM/HG); display its methods/properties/callbacks in a unified window

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A soumis

IQ analysis utilities
Set of functions for analyzing IQ values

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A soumis

UISplitPane - Split a container (figure/frame/uipanel) into two resizable sub-containers
Split a container (figure/frame/uipanel) into two resizable sub-containers, like Java's JSplitPane

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A soumis

Java-based data table
Spreadsheet display/editing/sorting of data with multiple features

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A soumis

Accelerating MATLAB Performance source files
Source files for the book "Accelerating MATLAB Performance", CRC Press, 2014

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A soumis

setPrompt - Set the Command Window prompt
Sets the Command Window prompt to the specified string

presque 10 ans il y a | 4 téléchargements |


A soumis

save/load data in a compressed zip file

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A soumis

profile_history - display graphical profiling timeline data
Display profiling data as an interactive timeline graph

environ 10 ans il y a | 3 téléchargements |


A soumis

SoundVolume - set or get the system speaker sound volume
SoundVolume sets or gets the computer system's speaker sound volume, using Java

environ 10 ans il y a | 7 téléchargements |

A soumis

treeTable - create a sortable table control with collapsible row groups
Create a sortable Java-based tree-table GUI control having collapsible/expandable data row groups

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A soumis

addLogo - add image to container figure/panel
add the specified image at the specified container position; supports resizing/animated/transparent

environ 11 ans il y a | 1 téléchargement |


A soumis

JTattoo look-and-feel demo GUI
JTattooDemo demonstrates effects of Look-and-Feel changes (including JTattoo L&F) on GUI controls

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A soumis

checkVersion - Check for a newer file version on the File Exchange
checkVersion implements an auto-update mechanism to check for a newer version of a utility on FEX

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A soumis

Sets Command-Window tab completion for specified functions & arguments: types and custom strings

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A soumis

setFigTransparency - set figure transparency / fading
setFigTransparency sets the transparency/opacity of a figure window, with optional fading effect

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A soumis

EditorMacro - assign a macro to a keyboard key-stroke in the Matlab Editor and Command Window
EditorMacro assigns a macro or action to requested key-binding in the Matlab Editor & Command Window

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A soumis

A utility that demonstrates usage of Java Spinner controls in Matlab

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A soumis

SYSTRAY - set/get system-tray icons on your computer's desktop
sets icons in the system-tray of your computer's desktop & enables setting/getting icon properties

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Convert a vector/array/matrix of values into a comma-separated string
Converts input of unknown size/type into compact single-line string suitable for log files & uitable

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A soumis

displays or hides the Matlab desktop window

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A soumis

GetSID - get unique Windows ID
Gets a Window's system SID (unique computer ID)

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A soumis

PropListener - add a callback to property value get/set event
Attach a listener callback to a property value get/set event(s)

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A soumis

Display a color-coded image of a data matrix with programmable data-tips & click callbacks

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A soumis

Ensures a given set of values is unique (adds a very small number to duplicate values)

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