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How do I use a vector as a set of indices?
Try this: m = 5000; num_labels = 10; y = randi(num_labels,m,1); yrec = zeros(num_labels,m); yrec(sub2ind(size(yrec),y',1:...

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Problems using solve function for linear system of equations
Use assume function before solve: assume(0 < p1 < 270) assume(0 < p2 < 270) assume(0 < p3 < 270)

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Command to delete last row and column of a matrix
A(:,end) = []; %Delete last column A(end,:) = []; %Delete last row

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How would I locate non-zeros given a condition?
For example: A = [1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0]; rows = find(A(:,4) & sum(A(:,1:3)~=0,2));

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How to make statements intersect
a=[0 1 2]; b=[1 1 3]; if all(a==b) fprintf ('yes') else fprintf ('no') end

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how to find size of scale bar on image
One approach would be: First, you need to segment the scale bar using any segmentation function, for example imbinarize (using ...

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Find the diameter of the parts in an image processing?
One approach would be: First, you need to segment the objects you want using any segmentation function, for example imbinarize,...

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How to select the columns of a matrix which are a multiple of 5?
N = M(3,5:5:end)

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Adding to the first value in a matrix based on the second value in that row.
Being A your matrix: A(A(:,2) == 11 | A(:,2) == 12,1) = A(A(:,2) == 11 | A(:,2) == 12,1) + 1

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Creating an array from 1 to n
n = 10 % 1:n ans = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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How can I create n arrays of size 100 each with random integer values?
c = cell(1,100) for i = 1:100 c{i} = randi(100,1,100) end

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Smoothing jumps when using unwrap()
You need to have a jump higher than pi to avoid the small jumps using unwrap (and this is not you case). Then, a trick you can d...

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How to separate a variable out of trigonomic expression
It is not a Matlab question, but you can do: cos(a+b)/sin(a+b) = 1/tg(a+b) = (1-tg(a)*tg(b))/(tg(a)+tg(b))

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How to run a loop with different values and plot the result?
Yo can do it with an external loop with dt: for dt = 1:10 x=5; x_arr=[]; x_arr(1)=x; for i=1:10/dt ...

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Integration fo function A(c) from -inf to +inf
A = @(c) sqrt(m/(2*pi*k*T1))*exp(-m/(2*k*T1)*(c-c_bar1)^2) q = integral(A,-inf,inf)

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how do I append to an array within a loop with float values?
Try with this: k = 0:0.1:20; solutions = zeros(size(k)); for ii = 1:numel(k) a = -k(ii); b = -k(ii); soln= ...

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Is it another command using to compare between vector and cell?
Then, to obtain the elements of U that doesn't exist in S, you can do: U = [1,2,3]; S = {1,2}; w = U(~ismember(U,cell2mat(S))...

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How do I store the changing values of a variable (generated in a for loop) into a single file without overwriting the previous one?
n = 100; areatriangle = zeros(1,n) for ii = 1 : n areatriangle(ii) = .5*((ii/2)*ii); end or: areatriangle = .5/2*(1:n)...

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Réponse apportée
How to find the position of points in a coordinate system?
Using for loops: R = zeros(numel(X),numel(Z)); for i = X for j = Z R(i,j) = sqrt(i.^2+j.^2); end end

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position of values in a matrix
A = [23 24 35 2 12 19 24 23 12 15 26 17] loc = find(ismember(A,[35 2],'rows')) loc = 2

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How to put a value in a plot label?
depth = [5,10,15,20]; for k = 1:4 kd = 0.0143.*5*k; SOTE = (a + kd + kp).*X.^beta.*5*k; figure(1) if k < 3 ...

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Why is this code not reading the csv file?
The images are useless, but the error is clear, your variable tdata doesn't exist. I guess you need to change this line: tdata ...

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ODE45, simple events
function [check,stop,direction]=landing(t,y) check = y; stop = 1; direction=0; end

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How to gracefully generate an all-one cell array?
function Output=OnesInCell(varargin) %This function should be the same as ones() except that each of the ones is packed into an...

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How to cut dimensions of 3d arrays in a cell.
Being A your cell array: newA = arrayfun(@(i) A{i}(700:720,300:360,:),1:numel(A),'uni',0)

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selection of rows in a matrix
A = [36 13 9 21 23 32 35 5 3 43] B = A([1,3,5],:)

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Cannot call files named with ' character in the text
filename = '8''_Data_Startup-1234567489'

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Exporting data from matlab to a excel with a special pathway
xlswrite(filename,Y1,1) xlswrite(filename,Y2,2) xlswrite(filename,Y3,3)

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How do I code a function that's supposed to be an infinite pattern?
Another possibility: res = sum(x.*circshift(y,-1) - y.*circshift(x,-1))

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Best way to calculate the determinants of a series of matrices?
delta = arrayfun(@(t) det(squeeze(G(t,:,:))),1:size(G,1));

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