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Parfor nested loop Table definition
>> can I at least parallelise the writing of the 4 xlsx tables to speed up the code I do not see how to do that easily without ...

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How to obtain the first and second derivative of the "xt" function
You can use diff function as a crude way to take derivates. But, you should also know that diff introduces noise. Here is an art...

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Computer to boost MATLAB operation
Where is your time being spent - in the nested loop, or in the last loop that is outside the nested loop? If, by "last loop", y...

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Giving a moving point a chance to change path every step?
You should just run the script directly. You should not try to call selectPath from the command line.

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Giving a moving point a chance to change path every step?
Not sure exactly what you want, but possibly this is getting close. The refactoring should make it easier to modify. % set rand...

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Handling data cell array
Yes, regex is elegant. Here is a non-regex script. This algorithm allows the x,y,z to be in any order in each row of A. A = {'...

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Matlab row subtraction of matrix
On the other hand, maybe you want to subtract row 2 from all the rows. In that case, you can do this. >> A A = 1 2 ...

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Matlab row subtraction of matrix
I am taking a guess as to what you want. Would be nice if you gave a simple matrix, A, and showed the desired result. But here i...

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Relation of Elements of matrix
B = 3; [r, ~] = ind2sub( size(A), find(A==B) ); z = A(sort(r),:); zu = unique(z(:))'

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Matrix dimensions must agree.
As Jon pointed out, you can subtract two matrices if they are "the same size (same number of rows and columns)" It is also poss...

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how do u make a new value that is the sum of two columns
A = [1 2 ;3 4; 5 6 ;7 8; 9 10; 11 12; 13 14; 15 16] A = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...

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Making an array using loop
Change ORIGINAL_POST to false to get slightly different result. clearvars; clc; % remove previous debug runs lenA = 60; % as...

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Reading the matrix elements row wise
If you do not want to take the transpose of the A matrix, you can work with the subscripts instead. A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]; sz = s...

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Getting two outputs when using function with implemented if statement
In your acuteAngle function, there is a disp() line which gives you the first output. The calling routine disp(acuteAngle() give...

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how to mute the signal at a certain time
This will remove all the leading zeros of a Sig vector: Sig = Sig(find(Sig,1,'first'):end);

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Reading the matrix elements row wise
A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]; Atr = transpose(A); Atr(1:6) ans = 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Plotting and finding the intersection of 2 curves
If you have two vectors, x1, y1 that form the curve (x1, y1), and likewise, another curve (x2, y2), then you can get the interse...

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Is it possible to have two indices in a for loop?
>> Is it possible to have 2 indices in the same for loop? (i and k). In your i- and k-loops, you are considering every combinat...

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Is it possible to have two indices in a for loop?
Jan's solution appears to not provide all combinations of (i,k) for the 2D array, AEMGstructHR. So I do not see how that constru...

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Frequency and Phase response of an IIR system whose system function is given H(z)
Here is an example to plot the magnitude and phase frequency response >> b = [0.0563 -0.0009 -0.0009 0.0563]; >> a = [1...

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Solving probability problems with MATLAB
You can simulate this problem using a Monte Carlo Simluation. https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/97605-are-there-a...

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How to make the estimation error and average it correctly?
for sd = 0:10:50 PN=Po+(sd.*gaussnoise); end In each iteration of this inner loop, PN is computed with a new ...

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Is there a way to access a struct object's reference (handle) in MATLAB?
This may be close to what you are looking for. Define a classA.m classdef classA < handle properties a end me...

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Removing one of two plots on a single axis
t =0:.01:1; y = sin(2*pi*4*t); hold on; h1 =plot(.2,.5,'ro'); pause delete(h1) Hit a spacebar and the red circle will disap...

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Compare Matrices within tolerance range
For a tolerance match between corresponding elements of the rows, start off with this: a = a(:); b = b(:); %% Check for equi...

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How to resolve Matrix dimensions error?
I made the code more readable to me, and adjusted the dimensions which are in the annotations. % Increment of current I=0:0.5:...

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How to resolve Matrix dimensions error?
y = polyval(I,x); % Error Did you mean y = polyval(x,I);

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How to resolve Matrix dimensions error?
E =(Po-y).^2; % ( 1x21 - 1x3 ) .^ 2 is this what you want: E =(Po-y').^2; % ( 1x21 -3x1 ) .^ 2

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subtraction of each row with every other row
B = repmat(A, N,1) - repelem(A,N,1);

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How can we convert programs made on older version to be available on newer version of MATLAB?
I had problems with Excel in general when a Windows upgrade to Windows Defender occured. Defender started marking certain folder...

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