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Number of odd and even elements within matrix
Input(m) - any matrix with integers Output(n) - n(1)=number of odd elements, n(2)=number of even elements Example: * m=...

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How many digits are there?
Input(s) - any string Output(n) - number of digits within string s

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Volume and area of a sphere
Input(r) - radius Output([v,s]) - volume and area

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The sum of the numbers in the vector
eg. [1,2,3]---->SUM=6

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Is the input divisible by 3?
Return true if the input is divisible by 3 and false if not.

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Do Fast Fourier Transformation
Example Fast Fourier Transformation from vector [2,1]) ans = 3 1

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Count, how many times vowels occurred. EXAMPLE: x='string the MaTLaBiAn' then the answer will be 6. x='coUnt the vowEl' th...

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Calculate the derivative of a polynomial
Example: in = [ 1 1 1 ] out = [ 2 1 ]

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Vector of numbers divisible by 3
* Input(n) - any integer * Output(v) - vector with numbers divisible by 3(exept 0) starting from n to 0 Examples: * n=6...

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Relative ratio of "1" in binary number
Input(n) is positive integer number Output(r) is (number of "1" in binary input) / (number of bits). Example: * n=0; r=...

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Return area of square
Side of square=input=a Area=output=b

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The rabbit problem
Someone discovered that rabbits reproduce at the rate of fibonnaci so you just input the number and it will print the fibonnaci ...

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Calculate the Hamming distance between two strings
Inspired by a similar Cody problem found <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/93-calculate-the-levenshtein-dist...

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Maintain shape of logical-index mask
When using logical indexing into an array, MATLAB returns a vector output. For example, if A = magic(3); mask = logi...

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Sum the numbers on the main diagonal
Sum the numbers on the main diagonal of an n-by-n matrix. For input: A = [1 2 4 3 6 2 2 4 7]...

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Simple problem creating a function from an abstract specification.
MYSTERYFUNCTION3 This takes a vector of numbers v and computes a vector w such the w[i] is the average of v[i] and the previous...

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Create One Large Eye of size N x N Quickly?
*<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aye_(yes) Aye !!!>*

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Column norms of a matrix
Given a matrix M, return a vector y such that for each k y(k)=norm(M(:,k)) (y(k) is the Euclidean norm of the k-th col...

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Frobenius Norm
Write your own version of Frobenius Norm without using the 'norm' function.

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Procrustean bed
Given a vector x and an integer n, convert x to a vector of length n by (1) chopping off the end if it is too long, or (2) addin...

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Pascal's Matrix
Given an integer n &ge; 0, generate the ( _n_+1) &times; ( _n_+1) lower triangular <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal_matrix P...

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Number of digits in an integer
Specifies how many digits in a given integer. Example: in=100 ==> out=3

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Related Vectors
I have two vectors A & B. If the values in vector A is zero then the corresponding value in vector B should be zero. Example:...

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Related Vectors
I have two vectors A & B. If the values in vector A is zero then the corresponding value in vector B should be zero. Example:...

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Perl 1: push
_This is part of a series of perl function which were very helpful for many perl programmers. Could you implement it in Matlab?_...

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Perl 4: unshift
_This is part of a series of perl function which were very helpful for many perl programmers. Could you implement it in Matlab?_...

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Perl 2: pop
_This is part of a series of perl function which were very helpful for many perl programmers. Could you implement it in Matlab?_...

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Perl 3: shift
_This is part of a series of perl function which were very helpful for many perl programmers. Could you implement it in Matlab?_...

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Change the sign
Given a matrix x, return one with each diagonal element replaced by its absolute value, and each off-diagonal element replaced b...

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Try 1.5.4: Celsius to Fahrenheit
Write a program to convert an input given in Celsius to Fahrenheit. Examples: Input celsiusValue = 100 Output fahrValu...

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