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Generate vector according to sign of vector
Generate vector according to sign of vector Example: If A=[-2 0 5] then output must be[-1 0 1] meaning that for negative n...

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Create an array from 1 to x in steps of 1.

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Compute the arithmetic derivative of integers

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Find the sum

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Check whether the input matrix is a normal magic square: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_square> Output the logical va...

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Flip the bit
Given an input character string (e.g. '1001'), return a character string with the bits flipped ('0110').

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Woodall number
Test whether the input is a Woodall number: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodall_number> _Please do not cheat by simply chec...

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Are you in or are you out?
Given vertices specified by the vectors xv and yv, and a single point specified by the numbers X and Y, return "true" if the poi...

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Sum My Indices
Given inputs M and N (in that order), output an MxN matrix whose entries are equal to the sum of their indices. Example input...

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Wilf-Zeilberger pairs
Take as inputs two functions _F_ and _G_, and two scalar values _n_ and _k_. Test whether the functions are candidates to be a W...

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Increment a number, given its digits
Take as input an array of digits (e.g. x = [1 2 3]) and output an array of digits that is that number "incremented" properly, (i...

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Parasitic numbers
Test whether the first input x is an n-parasitic number: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasitic_number>. ( _n_ is the second in...

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Right and wrong
Given a vector of lengths [a b c], determines whether a triangle with those sides lengths is a right triangle: <http://en.wikipe...

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Tune your guitar
Given an input string with the scientific pitch notation for standard tuning ( <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guitar_tunings#Stan...

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Figurate number triangle
Check whether the input matrix is a figurate number triangle: <http://mathworld.wolfram.com/FigurateNumberTriangle.html>

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Cull vector elements that contain a specified digit
Given inputs of (1) a row vector and (2) a digit, identify the elements of that vector that contain the digit, remove them, and ...

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Vector of numbers divisible by 3
* Input(n) - any integer * Output(v) - vector with numbers divisible by 3(exept 0) starting from n to 0 Examples: * n=6...

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Number of odd and even elements within matrix
Input(m) - any matrix with integers Output(n) - n(1)=number of odd elements, n(2)=number of even elements Example: * m=...

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Area of a Square
Given the length x of the side of a regular square, find the area of the square, A.

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Find Logic 26

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Find Logic 27

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Find Logic 21

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Find Logic 24

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Find Logic 29

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Find Logic 23

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Find Logic 30

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Find Logic 22

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Find Logic 32

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Find Logic 5

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Add 2 Vectors

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