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Dividing a Number with a Vector Results in a new Vector with wrong mean
Because they are not equal mathematically. Suppose that: VectorInit = [a,b,c] meanVectorInit = (a+b+c)/3 VectorTarget = [60...

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How to save GUI plots
Before you plot, you should save your figure handle into a variable so that you can put it as an input of saveas function. Ins...

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Réponse apportée
How to make two drop down Dependent
Here is a basic test app I have created. Please read comments carefully. classdef testDropDown < handle properties ...

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Find all lines of a matrix which have a matching pair of values
Basically you can use this: Finds the first row of the pairs' elements seperately as logical indexes. Then adds them together....

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How to scroll and display my GUI in full screen
It seems like in GUIDE you have added an axis and then added a panel on it. Also you added some text boxes and edit boxes on you...

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Réponse apportée
Error while using a GUI
Hi Tamir, Just change line 116 as follows, definetely it will work: [pathstr,name,ext]=fileparts(fullfile(pathname,file1));

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How to plot more lines of xtick label
Hi, Have you tried this function from FEX? my_xticklabels

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How to combine several pieces of code in a For Loop?!
Hello William, Just by changing your y array it works. Try this: xStart = 0; xFinishArray = 1:4; y = [0,2,0,2,0,2]; hF...

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Réponse apportée
Lookup tables for ICE data mapping
What do you mean by slicing? Unfortunetely I can't look at the text file but as far as I understand you have a set of data for e...

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HEEEEELP....... Array cells comparing....
Hi, Look at the function ismember to search if your element exists in another array. Please share your arrays as an example a...

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My for loop gives an error
You can put your symbolic 4x4 matrices into a cell array. Also your for loop is wrongly defined like for S = [1 2 3...]. You s...

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Réponse apportée
Error finding matrix indices where elements obey a condition
Hi Ferda, Please see my comments below: % first convert it to double array: A = double(input_of_hidden_layer2); % indexing...

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Réponse apportée
Indexing to cell arrays
Try this: X = [0.1 3 0.2; 2 5 4;1 0.3 5]; [xlocs,ylocs] = find(X<1 & X>0); % locations of values, you have 3 values. xlocs' f...

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Réponse apportée
MATLAB GUI Radiobutton Control
Hi Oğuzhan, You can just simply do this: When option1 selected, enable edit1 and disable edit2. (radiobutton1 callback) set...

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Réponse apportée
How to group an array and then replace each group with different numbers?
Try this: A = [1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0]; C = [4, 5, 6, 3]; A(end+1) = 1; locRise = find([0 diff(A == 0) > 0]); loc...

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Réponse apportée
Sort struct fields by their length
Hi, Try this: % Create myStruct with Alphabet Fields and add random 1XN array to the % fields fieldList = cellstr(('a':'z'...

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Réponse apportée
GUI to select a file if it exists else create a new one
Hi Sunny, [fileName,pathName,index] = uiputfile({'*.xlsx';'*.xls'},'Please Select a file Location','My Default File Name.xlsx'...

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Réponse apportée
Sir, I need to convert .dat file into .mat file
Hi, Check mdfimport function in FEX below link: mdfimport

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Réponse apportée
data.table equivalent in matlab
Hello, Have you ever checked table and datastore? You can look at below links and their relevant properties and methods in doc...

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How to install a .mltbx without opening Licence Agreement Screen?
I found a way, https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/matlab.addons.toolbox.installtoolbox.html newAddon = matlab.addons....

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Réponse apportée
How to delete the columns of a cell array if the last elements of the columns are zero
Hi, You can use this: myArray = {'A','B','C','D'; 2 2 4 0;1 1 5 2; 1 1 6 0; 1 1 0 1}; newArray = myArray(:,~([myArray{end,:...

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How to install a .mltbx without opening Licence Agreement Screen?
Hello dear community! I want to install GUI Layout Toolbox inside a function with only code. I am currently using 2018a and ea...

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can text next to input be different in each loop?
Hi, Input can get prompt string as an input already. You can use both: promptString = 'Enter Height'; for i = 1:5 x=in...

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Réponse apportée
How can I generate an array of binary data of this form?
Hi Luqman, Please see the code below and read the comments: N = 6; permutatedArray = [ones(1,N/2),zeros(1,N/2)]; % this cre...

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Réponse apportée
How to append number to array
Assuming that your function's outputs are 1x1 double, you can use below: S0=30; K=32; r=0.03; sigma=0.2; T=1; M=10; % er...

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Making plots look beautiful
Hello Hari, I have just created a dummy data and plot them for you. You must check the line properties in documentation here t...

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Index exceeds matrix dimensions
You can't use simulink as a variable name. simulink(i)=simulink1; % simulink is already a built-in function which starts simul...

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Réponse apportée
How to fill a 1024 point array with two cycles of a cosine wave?
You can use linspace. Example: xData = linspace(0,4*pi,1024); yData = cos(xData); figure; plot(xData,yData);

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Change categorical array categories in table for use in uitable dropdown
Hi Vik, I don't know why it didn't work, I have tried what you did above. I tried exact the same thing with categorical variabl...

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access data in structure?
You are almost there. Try this: H0=struct('h',[0,0],'Q_centroid',[0,0],'Q_action',[.5,.51,.5,.51],'Q_table',[0]); H1=struct('...

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