
How to change property behavior for a mocked object
I'm trying to use the mocking framework for unit tests I'm trying to make the property of a mock object return another mock obj...

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Rearrange any matrix Randomly with a specific sequence
A=1:20; blockSize = 5; nOutputBlocks = 2; a=reshape(A,blockSize,[]); i=sort(reshape(randperm(size(a,2)),[],nOutput...

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How to transfer data between apps using app designer
The simplest solution would be to couple the two apps. When you open app B send the object of app A to it. Then when app B upd...

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Moving NaN elements from the last columns to the first column, iteratively
The simplest way would be to loop through the rows: i = isnan(A); for j = 1:size(A,1) A(j,:) = [A(j,i(j,:)) A(j,~i...

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Replace the elements of a matrix
B = reshape(A',numel(A),1)

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Save char array from for loop into a matrix
Unless you can guarantee that all file names have the exact same length, you need to use something other than a char matrix. E...

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Could anyone help me how to randomly display the values in the selected places
if you meant to fetch values from a random index using above mentioned linear indices: a = magic(5); a = a(1:3,:); validInd...

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How to convert a cell array containing various inline functions to a unique inline function?
You can generate a function handle which will execute all the handles in a cell array using closures: a = magic(3); myFunction...

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[DEPRECATED] What frustrates you about MATLAB?
The implementation of properties. They are class fields, and they are the accessor methods to these fields, (get/set). This dual...

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Could anyone help me to solve the following issue
a = [1 2 3 4 5; 6 7 8 9 10] a_rand = a(randperm(length(a))) a_rand = [a_rand; a(~ismember(a(:),a_rand(:)))']

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Réponse apportée
can matlab find ilaplace
Try that: syms s; F = exp(-y*sqrt(s+a))/s; F1 = ilaplace(F); pretty(F1); I don't know what a and y are in your ...

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Réponse apportée
Select all Rows that Contain A Certain Number and Any NaN's That follow Them
I think in this case a simple loop will be better than a fancy vectorised solution. valid = false(size(A, 1),1); vali...

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How to clear persistent variables?
You can clear the name of the .m file in which that function is declared it works for .m file functions, local functions, neste...

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Extract Previous Cell Value
The problem is you're indexing at index 0 which is invalid. % some specific handling of % the first cell should be % ...

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regexrep for the neophyte
match = regexp(recipients,'(?<name>[a-zA-Z]+(?:\s*[a-zA-Z]+)*)\s?\$?(?<sum>\d+(?:[\.,]\d+)*)[^\w,;]*(?<time>[a-zA-Z]+\d+)?','n...

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multiple populations in a single pole
I have histograms that most likely represent multiple populations. If they distribute normally I know I can use curve fitting...

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what's the matter when i run a M.file?
textscan accepts a file id not a file path. Use < fopen> first

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Please Help Me Simple Question
This is a simple linear equation: price = 10 + 4*floor(depth);

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Error in App Designer with Slider: 'Index Exceeds Array Bounds'
without the full code it's hard to say, and in general uploading screenshots of your code is not very helpful. Still, the probl...

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Why I am getting error message when I try to define line specs of a plot?
You are using an overload of plot that accepts a cfit object this overl...

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Matlab says to many Inputs calling a fucntion in app designer, even if the input is just one value.
The first argument in a method (that's what functions are called in object oriented programming) of an object is the object inst...

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Sliding window for polynomial fitting of a function
What you describe is a stavisky golay filter if I understand correctly windowSize = 10; polyOrder = 20; poly_fit = s...

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Newbie: Order of line and plot in a simple figure
This is actually not a newbie issue... As far as I know, it's a known issue with yyaxis. A workaround by @Charles Brown using ...

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[DISCONTINUED] MATLAB Answers Wish-list #4 (and bug reports)
If i ask a question and happen to be the only one who answered it, please don't nudge me to accept the answer

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Quick question about GUI and calling functions.
I'm guessing you mean this file exchange <

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[Warning] Why is it bad practice to set additional class properties when using a set method (prompting a warning)?
The thing is that dependent properties always invoked their get/set methods every time you access them. what you did doesn't ne...

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How to generate normalised random numbers in between -0.3 to 0.3?
noise = rand(1,10)*0.6 - 0.3 noise = 0.0973 0.0479 0.2486 0.1055 -0.1262 -0.0478 0.0915 -0.1104 0...

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How to access itemprop = "name" from within a data structure in HTML code using Matlab?
I don't have the toolbox you mentioned, but it most likely uses xpath to parse the html... I think the best options are xpath o...

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For loop in if/elseif statements which compares multiple characters
The simplest way to simulate N dart throws is to use a for loop from 1 to n and simulate each throw inside the loop: N = randi(...

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How to write a matrix using for loop
I would start at the documentation

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