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Spectral Entropy vs Frequency
using fft (Fast Fourier Transform). I'll give you an example. suppose you have a discrete signal called "x[n]" that has been sa...

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Sending/calling every row of matrix to another function from current function
[N,~] = size(TruncatedSubstring); % N = number of rows for i=1:N substring = TruncatedSubstring(i,:) Result(i,:) = ...

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textscan format string for hours:minutes
this works for me. I'm using 2016a. txt = '00:01'; result = textscan(txt, '%{mm:ss}D') result = [00:01] if you can't d...

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Solving system of equations
you must first define the unknowns in your system of equations. it seems you have 12 equations and therefore you must have 12 un...

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Importing a signed integer value with a space
if your data are all positive, then you can ignore plus sign. and your data is not integer use single or double precion. here's ...

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Smooth data to get the best approximation.
I used curve fitting app you can workaround and change settings to get your result.

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Directly converting uint16 image sequence to .avi video file
it seems the function does not support uint16, but it accepts images of type single and double precision. convert your image fra...

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How to generate random smooth 2D closed curves/shapes
If you are familiar with bezier curve, you can do it easily by setting random values for points coordinates.

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How to import part of the data from multiple .txt files into the MATLAB workspace as a variable
fileID = fopen('685_FM01_HF_7-21-2020.txt'); % open first text file c1 = textscan(fileID,'%f %f','Delimiter',','); % scan it ...

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Plotting 3D grating
I think this is what you're looking for x = [1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6]; z = [0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0]; y = [1 4]; [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,...

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Models based on singular value decomposion
load your dataset from your excel file using this command: "A = csvread(filename)". then you can do anything and ofcourse matl...

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Fading/shading an image
A = imread('lena.bmp'); % read rgb image named 'lena.bmo' figure(1);imshow(A) % show the original image in figure1 dim = l...

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How to determine the two closest values to a threshold value
%% nearest value considerin it is bigger or smaller than threshold m1 = min(y(y>0.9)) % nearest value after threshold m2 = max...

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How to copy cell data to a matrix?
the problem is with the date/time format which contains ":" and "-'. if you need matrix you can simply avoid these. c=''; file...

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How to get a solid circle encircled by another circle and solid circle encircled by a square
x = 1; y =2; figure(1) plot(x,y,'o','MarkerSize',20) hold on plot(x,y,'o','MarkerFaceColor', 'k') figure(2) plot(x,y,'s'...

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atan2(0,0) is not undefined (NaN)
it is not a bug. although in analytic math it is undefined, the trigonometric functions are usually calculated by their taylor s...

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for loop for matrix
x = [1, 2, 5] y = [0.1, 0.5, 10] z = [10 20; 30 40] X = repmat(x,[4 1]) Y = repmat(y,[4 1]) Z = repmat(z(:),[1 3]...

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Extracting matrix from mat file
I assume you have an "x" and a "y" rectangular grid point coordinates, and "A" contains "f(x,y)" data. in this case "x" is a row...

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if "t1" is a vector like this: t1 = [-2 -1 0 +1 +2] then "t1==0" is a vector of same size which replaces any non-zero value by...

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Add values to the i-th position of a table/double
if you are trying to insert xsim1 between x(i) and x(i+1) without any data loss, write this code: x = [x(1:i), xsim, x(i+1:end)...

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How to define function
function y = f(x) y = zeros(size(x)); y(abs(x) < 1) = 1; end

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Please help me understand whether I have set up a loop and performed an RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) calculation correctly
is this way more efficient? freq = 1; T = 1/freq; w = 2*pi*freq; a = [1 1/2]; % harmonic amplitudes y = @(t) a(1)*sin(w*t...

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Solve a system of two differential equations
generally in order to solve a system of ode s; you must first define your equation in the form of (Xdot = f(X,U)). "U" is the i...

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data import from mat file
instead of a_1 ,a_2,..., define a vector "a" where its elements a(1), a(2), ... are your input argument. your function should lo...

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A simple problem about matrix plz HELP me
suppose your matrix is called "X". if you want to scale each row by a known factor, write this code: % define a column vector c...

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symbolic toolbox problem ?
by default matlab vpa uses 32 digits. old = digits(4) vpa(pi) old = 32 ans = 3.142 old = digits(9) vpa...

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integration not giving a numerical answer?
vpa(I) ans = 13.475706197048467507041153147166

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Solve 2 equations with two unknowns and an array
you are using symbolic toolbox. I recommend to make a function file looking like this: function y=eq(x) % enter equations % t...

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Simulink : Define signal label of output ports = outport names ?
just use "goto" and "from" blocks and then connect them to a bus creator. double click the line connecting "from" block to "bus ...

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I need help solving a system of differential equations. The equations are given below, in matrix form. The problem that I'm having is regarding the fact that I have time dependant elements in the matrices.
if you are solving a circuit with time-variant capacitors then your state equations are no longer in "Xdot=A*x+B*U", and they ar...

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