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Inner product of two vectors
Find the inner product of two vectors.

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Arrange Vector in descending order
If x=[0,3,4,2,1] then y=[4,3,2,1,0]

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Select every other element of a vector
Write a function which returns every other element of the vector passed in. That is, it returns the all odd-numbered elements, s...

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Find the sum of all the numbers of the input vector
Find the sum of all the numbers of the input vector x. Examples: Input x = [1 2 3 5] Output y is 11 Input x ...

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Times 2 - START HERE
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by two and put the result in y. Examples:...

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How to avoid the rounding off of data ?
There is no problem here, the default display format is set to short. Try : format long l = 2.093750000000000e+09;; l/10^9 ...

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modify all numbers from same column in workspace
% Your vectecor v = [1 2 3 1 2]; % Simply add 1 to your vector v_plus_one = v + 1; v_plus_one = 2 3 4 ...

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Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision.
The operator to inverse a matrix is inv. If you want to divide your matrices element wise, you have to add a "." in front of "...

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How to convert MATLAB plots to xls (Excel) sheets ?
You can access data of a plot with the line handle. For instance : % Current figure handle (or use openfig if you saved the fig...

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Réponse apportée
What does M([1:1 2:3], [1:0 2:3]) mean?
This select = M([1:1 2:3], [1:0 2:3]) is awfully written, it means select = M(1:3, [2 3]) select is the lines 1 to 3 ...

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App Designer UITable RowName
You are doing it right using appdesigner. Programatically, row name can take several format (cell-str, matrix, categorical...), ...

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How to Disable Button in Dialog Box
You cannot disable a button using questdlg function. The only thing you can do is to remove the option. If you do want a grayed...

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How to avoid patch color being included in legend ?
You need to explicit legend and object handle for each line / patch when calling legend function hY = plot(x,y,'r'); hold on ...

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lines through markers on legend
You specified '--' option for your line style in 3rd argument of plot. If you want full lines, use '-' instead. x=-10:0.1:10; ...

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Concatenation of 3D Matrices
This should do the trick r = 2; %'update rate' n = 644; %total number of entries A = rand(3,3,n); %creating 3x3x644 3D-matrix...

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Réponse apportée
How to plot multiple lines in predefined colors ?
CM = jet(2); x = linspace(1,10,10); y1 = x.^2; y2 =x.^3; plot(x, y1, 'Color', CM(1,:)); hold on plot(x, y2, 'Color', CM(2...

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How to open multiple figures and combine them into a new figure
According to your figures, I came with that : % Get figure handles to merge hFig_1 = openfig(fullfile(pwd, 'figure_1.fig')); ...

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Use sprintf in callback function to get an output variable
function countclicks(gcbo,eventdata,handles) strSelectionType = get(gcf,'SelectionType'); XY = get(gca,'CurrentPoint')...

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Error using vertcat. Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent.
You can merge table with outerjoin function. Table1 = outerjoin(Table1, Table2, 'MergeKeys',true)

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How can I assign strings from array to variable name from another array with same size?
You forgot the quote in your right side assignement Matrix_parameter_string = ["calbelength","cablecrosssection","fuseboxname"]...

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How to load files(xls, xlsx, etc.) in the current directory to the workspace
load() function is for MAT file or ASCII file; For Excel workbook, you can use readcell, readtable or readmatrix according to y...

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Making a GUI to zoom in on x-axis range
If you are in R2018a+, you can use uidatepicker component for user to chose a date. Then refresh XLim property of your axes in ...

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How can one generate a matrix that the first column is larger than the second column?
m = randn(1000, 2); m = [max(m,[],2), min(m,[],2)];

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How to Use arrayfun with a Multivariate Function of n Variables?
arrayfun is generally not faste than a for loop, becaut it has an internal for loop. read this for more details : https://fr.mat...

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How to store the output of a function?
You can modify the function to output Pn function [AnDarksamtest, Pn] = AnDarksamtest(X,alpha) The function itself is well-doc...

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Plot function in app designer error "Not enough input arguments."
x and y are structures, you need to select the correct field. For instance : plot(app.UIAXes, x.freq_MHZ, i.iLdB)

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Can I put different figures in the same window next to each other?
You can use subplot to create axes in tiled positions. % Example from documentation subplot(2,1,1); x = linspace(0,10); y1 =...

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Best way to present histogram with different realisation number
You can normalize directly with histogram function by changing Normalization property. h1 = histogram(x1, 'Normalization', 'pro...

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code for verifying whether 𝑓 is odd or even.
% Test if myVal is even bIsEven = ~mod(myVal, 2) And you can read mod and rem

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How to copy some files from a folder and then paste them to a another folder using matlab code(script Writting)
% Folder to create myRep = 'C:\...' % Make new folder mkdir(myRep) % Copy source to destination copyfile(SourceFile, ...

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