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Calories in a slice of pizza?
The total calories C in a pizza is printed on its box. You know the angle A (degrees) of the slice you placed on your plate. Ple...

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Minimum possible M of the maximum side of a triangle of given area A.
Suppose a triangle has area A. Suppose it has three sides S1, S2, and S3. Suppose M = max([S1 S2 S3]). What is the minimum po...

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Basic commands - Greatest common divisor
Please write a function, which, will put as output greatest common divisor. Example: A = [-5 17; 10 0];...

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Spherical Volume
Calculate the volume of a sphere.

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Write a function man that takes a row vector v and returns a matrix H as follows..
Write a function called man that takes a row vector v as an input and returns a matrix H whose first column consist of the eleme...

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Check if any duplicates in your data
Given an array x, return a number n equal to the largest number of repetitions in your data. For example: If x=[1 2 3 6 8 4 9]...

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Find the mean of a 2-D matrix after excluding elements of specified sub-matrix
You need to find the mean of a 2-D matrix after excluding elements which form an inner sub-matrix. e.g. If the input 2-D matrix ...

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Find the outlier in a set of samples
Given an array x of numbers. Assumed that this array has one outlier. Find the position p and the value v of the outlier in this...

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Given n, create n random numbers such that their standard deviation is also n.
Given n, create n random numbers such that their standard deviation is also n.

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Simple spirometer - find your lung capacity from number and size of soap bubbles in one breath
Assumed that each bubble has practically the same diameter d. Given total number n of bubbles. Find volume v of breath.

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area of an annulus
Given the diameter d of the inner circle of the annulus. Given length z of a chord of the outer circle of the annulus. This chor...

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Calculate the sum of two polynomials
Calculate the sum of two polynomials if they are written in notation with their coefficients. example: a=[3 4 5]; b=[...

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Given a square and a circle, please decide whether the square covers more area.
You know the side of a square and the diameter of a circle, please decide whether the square covers more area.

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Check whether the given angle is between zero and pi. Return logical true or false.

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Find Factrorial without using built-in function
A number is given, you have to find the factorial of the number without using built-in factroial function. You may use loops....

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Symmetric matrix
You must create a n-by-n *symmetric* matrix such that A(row,col) = row/col for col >= row. Example if n =3 : output is : ...

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Center of mass
Given a matrix M(m,n), where m is the number of vertices of the geometrical element and n is 2 or 3 (2D-plane figure or 3D-solid...

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Figurate number triangle
Check whether the input matrix is a figurate number triangle: <http://mathworld.wolfram.com/FigurateNumberTriangle.html>

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Pull the variable y_correct from the Caller's Workspace
*Description* This highlights a very easy to use and high-scoring cheat that can be used on almost all Cody questions.

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Factorions: Numbers that equal the sum of the factorials of their digits
From Wikipedia: _A factorion is a natural number that equals the sum of the factorials of its decimal digits_ For example: ...

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Sort complex numbers into complex conjugate pairs
Sort complex numbers into complex conjugate pairs. Example: Input x = [3-6i -1-4i -1+4i 3+6i] Sorted output = [-1 - ...

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Number of odd and even elements within matrix
Input(m) - any matrix with integers Output(n) - n(1)=number of odd elements, n(2)=number of even elements Example: * m=...

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Beginner's Problem - Squaring
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, square it by two and put the result in y. Examples: ...

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random picture with random colours
write a function which creates a random(x,y) matrix with random RGB colours for example create_pic(5,5) gives us a 3d matrix. ...

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Sum the numbers on the main diagonal
Sum the numbers on the main diagonal of an n-by-n matrix. For input: A = [1 2 4 3 6 2 2 4 7]...

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sinus function
x is the abscissa. find the absolute value of cosine of -x and the same value with changed sign.

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Signed Magnitude
For a given input vector, return the value that is furthest from zero. For example, if x = [1 2 -12] return -12.

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Upper triangular matrix
Create a function to retrieve the upper triangular matrix of a matrix (without using tril). The matrix will always be square. ...

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normalize group of numbers to integers
Hi guys! I have a group of 4 numbers x,y,z,w which comes from 4 integers multiplied with a common factor. [x,y,z,w] = c [i,j,k,...

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Generate a string like abbcccddddeeeee
This is the string version of Problem 1035. <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/1035-generate-a-vector-like-1-...

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