A répondu
How to write a LOOP for this case?
I think this is the continuation of this question. So, once you create struture as mentioned in the above answer, you can use:...

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How to exclude some additional points from plot legend?
You can assign plot to different variables and when you use legend only use handles of the assigned variables. For e.g. figure(...

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How to summarize this code?
You can try to create structure for the data of different years: for i = 1:length(precips) precip.(['y',num2str(i+1981)]) ...

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Can you use replace to remove all characters that aren't letters from a string?
Try str = 'I; love123 you-+'; str_new = regexprep(str,'[^a-zA-Z\s]','');

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Need help with an if loop
First, exp(x) has an expansion as follows: Now, how to define infinity? When , . So, we check if ...

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Replace specific line in a text file
One of the way could be: fid = fopen('data.dat','r'); % Open File to read replaceline = 'act= 1,0,8,-2'; % Line to...

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compare between element of matrix in different size
To check if there is any common element between 2 vectors, you may consider using 'intersect()'. So, your if condition becomes: ...

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problem in 3d figure plotting
one of the several ways could be: fill3(X,Y,Z,'b') I hope it helps !

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Plotting 3D Intersection
I am not sure how you actually want to plot these values. But one of the way I could think of plotting this data is by using B3:...

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how to over come vector mismatch error in plot
You can try : tp=2.2676*10^-3; Ts=22.6757*10^-6; n=0:Ts:100; fp=(1/tp); w=2*pi*fp; p=sin(w*n*Ts); p(find(p<0))=0; data =...

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how do i print the 10 figures seprately ?
Try: clear;clc M = rand(1000,10); M = cos(2*pi*M); for c = 1:size(M,2) figure(c) hist(M(:,c)) title(num2str(...

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A répondu
How do you graph a function that refers to the function in its value?
MATLAB doesn't allow 0 as an index. Infact, index must be a natural number. y(0) % is an invalid index because 0 y(0.5) % is ...

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A répondu
How to turn scatterplot labels on and off using uicontrol
Try the following method (it might work for you but there are some limitations) : x = rand(1,100); y = rand(1,100); pointsize =...

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A répondu
Why is matlab giving me a a very small number when the answer should be EXACTLY zero?
It must be something to do with the limitation of matrix multiplication and the computing error comes with the this type of mult...

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A répondu
Create a new array on the basis of another array
Try: A = 100-V; A(A == max(A)) = 100;

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how to delete cell rows ?
One of the way to do: cell_sizes = cellfun(@size,QDSCD,'UniformOutput',false); cell_sizes = vertcat(cell_sizes{:}); ind = fi...

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A répondu
wirte in excel sheet.
So, in order to change row as you change the q, you have to change the range dynamically. row_num = 1; % you can change that u...

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Changing the For LOOP conditions
One of the way to do this is define the for loop conditions using predefined vectors. You can write vector to set how the for l...

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How to enter subscripts in matlab? for a loop
Simply shift your indeces by 1 i.e. x0 becomes x1, x1 becomes x2 and so on. N = 500; x = zeros(N+1,1); x0 = 1; x(0+1) = x0;...

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A répondu
Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
y(0) = 1; % y(i) = k; i must be a natural number Not allowed in MATLAB. Instead write y(1) = 1;

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A répondu
Why does my function keep returning zero?
Replace K1 = A1*exp(-(E1/R*T)); by K1 = A1*exp(-(E1/(R*T))); ans subsequently for K2 & K3 too.

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A répondu
How to find acceleration from velocity and time data ?
Assuming you have exported velocity data from the csv file using xlsread or something and saved it in a variable, say, 'vel'. To...

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How can I write data to excel without overwrite data that already in the excel ?
To write in the empty rows, you have to specify that to xlswrite. So, either you know the row number beforehand and use that 'xl...

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A répondu
What's wrong with my for loop?
You don't need final 2 lines inside the 'for' loop to update 't'. t is automatically updated because of 'for' loop statement. ...

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A répondu
Find empty cells in 3D cell?
Try this: [r,c] = find(cellfun(@isempty,channelResp)); [nR,nC,nD] = size(channelResp); Dep = floor(c/nC-0.0001)+1; Col = c -...

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A répondu
How to do function shift in MATLAB?
Try: function [ func_up ] = FuncShift( func, shift ) func_up = @(x)(func(x)+shift); end

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\graphing witth multiple functions
Try : a = gca; hold on plot(a.XLim,[560, 560],'m--') % plots horizontal line at y = 560 To find the intersection point at y ...

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How to find the nth is the higher than and closest to 0.3
One of the several ways: A=[5 56 6.1 0.29 0.32 15 ]; [vec,ind] = sort(A); id = find(vec>0.3,1); rqd_value = vec(id) % Requi...

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A répondu
Plotting multiple 3D plots on one graph
Try : figure (4) grid on hold on % Hold position should be at the start of plotting to overlap plots plot3(cm_willans,pma_14...

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A répondu
Specifying the colour of a scatter plot
Try: scatter (x, y, 'filled', 'MarkerEdgeColor',[255, 66, 0]/255, 'MarkerFaceColor',[255, 66, 0]/255); to change tick labels f...

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