Manage the lifecycle of a persistence service in a MATLAB testing environment
is used to manage the lifecycle of a
persistence service in a MATLAB® testing environment. You can perform various actions such as starting and
stopping the service using the object.
Create a mps.cache.Controller
object using mps.cache.control
Object Functions
mps.cache.control | Create a persistence service controller object |
start | Start a persistence service and attach it to a MATLAB session |
stop | Stop a persistence service and detach it from a MATLAB session |
restart | Restart a persistence service and attach it to a MATLAB session |
attach | Connect MATLAB session to persistence service that is already running |
detach | Disconnect MATLAB session from persistence service that is already running |
ping | Test whether the persistence service is reachable |
version | Version number for persistence provider |
Create a Redis Service Controller
ctrl = mps.cache.control('myRedisConnection','Redis','Port',4519)
ctrl = Controller with properties: ActiveConnection: False ManageService: Unknown Host: 'localhost' Port: 4519 Operations: "read | write | create | update" ProviderName: 'Redis' ConnectionName: 'myRedisConnection'
Create a MATLAB Service Controller
mctrl = mps.cache.control('myMATFileConnection','MatlabTest','Folder','c:\tmp')
mctrl = Controller with properties: ActiveConnection: False ManageService: Unknown Folder: 'c:\tmp' Operations: "read | write | create | update" ProviderName: 'MatlabTest' ConnectionName: 'myMATFileConnection'
Version History
Introduced in R2018b